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[英]Using data.table to calculate a function which depends on many columns

There are many posts which discuss applying a function over many columns when using data.table. 有许多帖子讨论在使用data.table时在多列上应用函数。 However I need to calculate a function which depends on many columns. 但是我需要计算一个依赖于许多列的函数。 As an example: 举个例子:

# Create a data table with 26 columns.  Variable names are var1, ..., var 26
data.mat = matrix(sample(letters, 26*26, replace=TRUE),ncol=26)
colnames(data.mat) = paste("var",1:26,sep="")
data.dt <- data.table(data.mat)

Now, say I would like to count the number of 'a's in columns 5,6,7 and 8. I cannot see how to do this with SDcols and end up doing: 现在,假设我想计算第5,6,7和8列中'a'的数量。我看不到如何使用SDcols执行此操作并最终执行:

data.dt[,numberOfAs := (var5=='a')+(var6=='a')+(var7=='a')+(var7=='a')]

Which is very tedious. 这很乏味。 Is there a more sensible way to do this? 有更合理的方法吗?

Thanks 谢谢

I really suggest going through the vignettes linked here . 我真的建议你看看这里链接小插曲 Section 2e from the Introduction to data.table vignette explains .SD and .SDcols . data.table插图简介中的第2e节解释了.SD.SDcols

.SD is just a data.table containing the data for current group. .SD只是一个包含当前组数据的data.table。 And .SDcols tells the columns .SD should have. 并且.SDcols告诉列.SD应该有。 A useful way is to use print to see the content. 一种有用的方法是使用print来查看内容。

# .SD contains cols 5:8
data.dt[, print(.SD), .SDcols=5:8]

Since there is no by here, .SD contains all the rows of data.dt , corresponding to the columns specified in .SDcols . 由于没有by这里, .SD包含的所有行data.dt ,对应于指定的列.SDcols

Once you understand this, the task reduces to your knowledge of base R really. 一旦你理解了这一点,任务就会减少你对基础R的了解。 You can accomplish this in more than one way. 您可以通过多种方式实现此目的。

data.dt[, numberOfAs := rowSums(.SD == "a"), .SDcols=5:8]

We return a logical matrix by comparing all the columns in .SD to "a" . 我们通过将.SD所有列与“a”进行比较来返回逻辑矩阵。 And then use rowSums to sum them up. 然后使用rowSums对它们进行总结。

Another way using Reduce : 使用Reduce另一种方法:

data.dt[, numberOfAs := Reduce(`+`, lapply(.SD, function(x) x == "a")), .SDcols=5:8]

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