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[英]Java extract substring from url string

I want to extract substring from a url string. 我想从url字符串中提取子字符串。 This is the url: 这是网址:


I want to start extracting from id= 我想从id =开始提取


until dash (-), and then extract the remaining substring 直到破折号( - ),然后提取剩余的子字符串


Note that the exact domain is not the one in the above, that's just an example . 请注意,确切的域不是上面的那个,这只是一个例子。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗? I would gladly appreciate your help. 我很乐意感谢你的帮助。 Thanks. 谢谢。


this is what I've done so far: 这是我到目前为止所做的:

  final URI uri = URI.create(result.getContents());
                    final String path = uri.getPath();
                    path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('-') + 1);
                    Log.e("EXTRACTED", "" + path);

But it just gets public/pi. 但它只是公开/ pi。

First of all, uri.getPath() returns the path component, but what you're looking for is after the ?, so what you might want to try instead is uri.getQuery() . 首先, uri.getPath()返回路径组件,但您要查找的是?,所以您可能想要尝试的是uri.getQuery()

As for the matching: 至于匹配:

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("id=(.+?)-");
Matcher m = p.matcher(uri.getQuery());
if (m.find()) {

Not tested, but I think it should work. 没有经过测试,但我认为应该可行。 The (.+?) is a capturing group that tries to match characters between the id= and the - . (.+?)是一个捕获组,它尝试匹配id=-之间的字符。

One major problem is that: 一个主要问题是:

 path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('-') + 1);

will not modify the variable path. 不会修改变量路径。 The reason is that String are immutable and any change to them create a new string internally. 原因是String是不可变的,对它们的任何更改都会在内部创建一个新字符串。 If you want to get hold of the new substring reference then you need to assign it back to path : 如果要获取新的子字符串引用,则需要将其分配回path

 path = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('-') + 1);

Now you can try more substring options 现在您可以尝试更多子串选项

final URI uri = URI.create("https://test.tech.com/public/pi?id=635106391297495358_0_280740c3f281419b954b309b45a41d77-M_M_0_56b6f628b90b4146abbdba1de9095657");
    String queryString = uri.getQuery(); 
    String subString =  queryString.substring(queryString.lastIndexOf('-') + 1);
    System.out.println("EXTRACTED " + subString);

Produces: 生产:

EXTRACTED M_M_0_56b6f628b90b4146abbdba1de9095657 提取M_M_0_56b6f628b90b4146abbdba1de9095657

Here is the solution, which I hope is self explanatory: 这是解决方案,我希望是自解释的:

public static void main(String[] argv) {
    final String uriStr = "https://test.tech.com/public/pi?id=635106391297495358_0_280740c3f281419b954b309b45a41d77-M_M_0_56b6f628b90b4146abbdba1de9095657";
    final URI uri = URI.create(uriStr);
    final String query = uri.getQuery();
    System.out.println(String.format("EXTRACTED QUERY [%s]", query));
    final String part1 = query.substring(query.indexOf('=')+1, query.indexOf('-'));
    System.out.println(String.format("EXTRACTED PART 1 [%s]", part1));
    final String part2 = query.substring(query.indexOf('-')+1);
    System.out.println(String.format("EXTRACTED PART 2 [%s]", part2));

}* } *

Here is the output: EXTRACTED QUERY [id=635106391297495358_0_280740c3f281419b954b309b45a41d77-M_M_0_56b6f628b90b4146abbdba1de9095657] 这是输出:提取的查询[id = 635106391297495358_0_280740c3f281419b954b309b45a41d77-M_M_0_56b6f628b90b4146abbdba1de9095657]

EXTRACTED PART 1 [635106391297495358_0_280740c3f281419b954b309b45a41d77] 摘录第1部分[635106391297495358_0_280740c3f281419b954b309b45a41d77]

EXTRACTED PART 2 [M_M_0_56b6f628b90b4146abbdba1de9095657] 摘录第2部分[M_M_0_56b6f628b90b4146abbdba1de9095657]

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