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PHP Oracle:oci_connect不显示错误

[英]PHP Oracle: oci_connect doesn't show error

There is an error in the oci_connect line. oci_connect行中有错误。 But my problem is that the error doesn't show in the page. 但是我的问题是该错误没有显示在页面中。 Even if I put $e = oci_error(); 即使我把$e = oci_error(); it will not be executed anymore to show the error. 它不会再执行以显示错误。 I tried try/catch but it didn't work either. 我尝试了try / catch,但是也没有用。

When I change the connection details to connect to another database it works. 当我更改连接详细信息以连接到另一个数据库时,它将起作用。 The connection details I use do work in SQL Developer. 我使用的连接详细信息可以在SQL Developer中使用。

  (SID = '. $GLOBALS['SID'] . ')
echo '<br>USERNAME: *'. $GLOBALS['USERNAME'] .'*';
echo '<br>PASSWORD: *'. $GLOBALS['PASSWORD'] .'*';
echo '<br>2 db: *'. $db .'*';
$conn = oci_connect($GLOBALS['USERNAME'], $GLOBALS['PASSWORD'], "$db");
echo 'success';

There are really no errors being shown after trying changing the PHP.ini file setting to show all errors, then I have updated the Oracle Instant Client version. 尝试更改PHP.ini文件设置以显示所有错误后,实际上没有显示任何错误,然后我更新了Oracle Instant Client版本。

First I check what Oracle version I'm using: 首先,我检查使用的Oracle版本:

select * from v$version
where banner like 'Oracle%';

Output: 输出:

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

After this I downloaded new Oracle Instant Client version Version and set it to PATH and restarted server. 之后,我下载了新的Oracle Instant Client版本11.,并将其设置为PATH并重新启动了服务器。 Then it worked! 然后成功了!

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