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[英]In x86, why do I have the same instruction two times, with reversed operands?

I am doing several experiments with x86 asm trying to see how common language constructs map into assembly. 我正在尝试使用x86 asm进行多次实验,试图了解常见语言如何构建映射到汇编。 In my current experiment, I am trying to see specifically how C language pointers map to register-indirect addressing. 在我目前的实验中,我试图具体了解C语言指针如何映射到寄存器间接寻址。 I have written a fairly hello-world like pointer program: 我写了一个像指针程序一样的hello-world:

#include <stdio.h>

main (void)
    int value    = 5;
    int *int_val = &value;

    printf ("The value we have is %d\n", *int_val);
    return 0;

and compiled it to the following asm using: gcc -o pointer.s -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables pointer.c :[1][2] 并使用以下命令将其编译为以下asm: gcc -o pointer.s -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables pointer.c :[1] [2]

        .file   "pointer.c"
        .section        .rodata
        .string "The value we have is %d\n"
        .globl  main
        .type   main, @function
;------- function prologue
        pushq   %rbp
        movq    %rsp, %rbp
        subq    $32, %rsp
        movq    %fs:40, %rax
        movq    %rax, -8(%rbp)
        xorl    %eax, %eax
        movl    $5, -20(%rbp)   ; This is where the value 5 is stored in `value` (automatic allocation)
        leaq    -20(%rbp), %rax ;; (GUESS) If I have understood correctly, this is where the address of `value` is 
                                ;; extracted, and stored into %rax
        movq    %rax, -16(%rbp) ;; 
        movq    -16(%rbp), %rax ;; Why do I have two times the same instructions, with reversed operands???
        movl    (%rax), %eax
        movl    %eax, %esi
        movl    $.LC0, %edi
        movl    $0, %eax
        call    printf
        movl    $0, %eax
        movq    -8(%rbp), %rdx
        xorq    %fs:40, %rdx
        je      .L3
        call    __stack_chk_fail
        .size   main, .-main
        .ident  "GCC: (Ubuntu 4.9.1-16ubuntu6) 4.9.1"
        .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

My issue is that I don't understand why it contains the instruction movq two times, with reversed operands. 我的问题是我不明白为什么它包含指令movq两次,反向操作数。 Could someone explain it to me? 有人可以向我解释一下吗?

[1]: I want to avoid having my asm code interspersed with cfi directives when I don't need them at all. [1]:当我根本不需要它时,我想避免让我的asm代码穿插cfi指令。

[2]: My environment is Ubuntu 14.10 , gcc 4.9.1 (modified by ubuntu), and Gnu assembler (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) , configured to target x86_64-linux-gnu [2]:我的环境是Ubuntu 14.10gcc 4.9.1 (由ubuntu修改)和Gnu assembler (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) ,配置为目标x86_64-linux-gnu

Maybe it will be clearer if you reorganize your blocks: 如果重组你的块,也许会更清楚:

    leaq    -20(%rbp), %rax     ; &value
    movq    %rax, -16(%rbp)     ; int_val
    movq    -16(%rbp), %rax     ; int_val
    movl    (%rax), %eax        ; *int_val
    movl    %eax, %esi          ; printf-argument
    movl    $.LC0, %edi         ; printf-argument (format-string)
    movl    $0, %eax            ; no floating-point numbers
    call    printf

The first block performs int *int_val = &value; 第一个块执行int *int_val = &value; , the second block performs printf ... . ,第二个块执行printf ... Without optimization, the blocks are independent. 没有优化,块是独立的。

Since you're not doing any optimization, gcc creates very simple-minded code that does each statement in the program one at a time without looking at any other statement. 由于您没有进行任何优化,因此gcc创建了非常简单的代码,可以一次一个地执行程序中的每个语句,而无需查看任何其他语句。 So in your example, it stores a value into the variable int_val , and then the very next instruction reads that variable again as part of the next statement. 因此,在您的示例中,它将值存储到变量int_val ,然后下一条指令再次读取该变量作为下一个语句的一部分。 In both cases, it is using %rax as the temporary to hold value, as that's the first register generally used for things. 在这两种情况下,它都使用%rax作为保留值的临时值,因为这是通常用于事物的第一个寄存器。

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