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[英]How to pass NSMutableArray as a reference to the part of NSMutableDictionary in Swift?

class PLCalendarEventViewController: UITableViewController {
    var event: NSMutableDictionary!

    override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
        if segue.identifier == PLCalendarEditEventLinksSegueIdentifier {
            let tvc = segue.destinationViewController as PLCalendarEditEventLinksTableViewController
            if var links = event.objectForKey("links") as? NSMutableArray {
                tvc.data = links

But inside my PLCalendarEditEventLinksTableViewController , when I try data.addObject("new link") then I get following error: 但是在我的PLCalendarEditEventLinksTableViewController内部,当我尝试data.addObject("new link")以下错误:

mutating method sent to immutable object . mutating method sent to immutable object

All I need to do is when I change my NSMutableArray inside PLCalendarEditEventLinksTableViewController I change event: NSMutableDictionary inside PLCalendarEventViewController 所有我需要做的是,当我改变我NSMutableArrayPLCalendarEditEventLinksTableViewController我改变event: NSMutableDictionary里面PLCalendarEventViewController

class PLCalendarEditEventLinksTableViewController: UITableViewController {
    var data = NSMutableArray()

It is very simple in Objective-C, but how to do this in Swift? 在Objective-C中这非常简单,但是在Swift中如何做到这一点?

This problem can be reproduced with this simple script: 可以使用以下简单脚本重现此问题:

import Foundation

let userDefault = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()

let obj: NSMutableDictionary = ["test": NSMutableArray(array: ["foo", "bar"])]
userDefault.setObject(obj, forKey: "key")

let obj2 = userDefault.objectForKey("key") as NSMutableDictionary
if let ary = obj2["test"] as? NSMutableArray {

You can store NSMutableArray to NSUserDefaults , but when retrieve it from that, it is actually a immutable array. 您可以将NSMutableArray存储到NSUserDefaults ,但是从中检索它时,它实际上是一个不可变的数组。 see the docs : 查看文档

Values returned from NSUserDefaults are immutable , even if you set a mutable object as the value. 即使您将可变对象设置为值,从NSUserDefaults返回的值也是不可变的。

I don't know how actually event constructed, but regardless of that, you have to deep copy it to mutable containers. 我不知道event实际构造方式,但是无论如何,您都必须深层复制到可变容器中。 AFAIK, the easiest way to do that is using CFPropertyListCreateDeepCopy() . AFAIK,最简单的方法是使用CFPropertyListCreateDeepCopy() At where you construct event property: 在构造event属性的位置:

event = CFPropertyListCreateDeepCopy(nil, event, CFPropertyListMutabilityOptions.MutableContainers.rawValue) as NSMutableDictionary

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