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我如何从这样存储的SQL表中获取数字 <PersonNumber> 013870 </PersonNumber>

[英]How do I get the just the number from a SQL table where it is stored like this <PersonNumber>013870</PersonNumber>


simple demo 简单的演示

declare @test table 
    xmlElement varchar(1000)
insert into @test
values ('<PersonNumber>013870</PersonNumber>')

-- select numbers from xml in the given format
    cast(SUBSTRING(xmlElement, 15 , CHARINDEX('</PersonNumber>',xmlElement)-15) as int) -- 15 is position where number starts, because 14 is legth of <PersonNumber>
from @test 

-- result is 13870

In Oracle there is * REGEXP_SUBSTR * you can use it if you are oracle to get the number you want ans this is an example for you: 在Oracle中,有* REGEXP_SUBSTR *,如果您是oracle,则可以使用它来获取所需的数字,这是您的一个示例:

  REGEXP_SUBSTR('500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA',
                ',[^,]+,') "REGEXPR_SUBSTR"

, Redwood Shores,

If PersonNumber is fixed length you can simply use substring function. 如果PersonNumber是固定长度,则可以简单地使用子字符串函数。

Otherwise use 否则使用

select Substring(PersonNumber, Patindex('%>%',PersonNumber) + 1, Patindex('%< /%',PersonNumber) - Patindex('%>%',PersonNumber)-1) 选择Substring(PersonNumber,Patindex('%>%',PersonNumber)+ 1,Patindex('%</%',PersonNumber)-Patindex('%>%',PersonNumber)-1)

Try this as Sample: 尝试作为示例:

DECLARE @z VARCHAR(32) = ',ukasd10,';
SELECT REPLACE(SUBSTRING(@z, CHARINDEX(',', @z), LEN(@z)), ',', '') AS Sample

and use this logic wherever you want...thanks! 并在任何需要的地方使用此逻辑...谢谢!

With SQL Server, you can use an XML method if the column contains well-formed XML: 对于SQL Server,如果该列包含格式正确的XML,则可以使用XML方法:

SELECT CAST(YourColumn AS xml).value('/Request[1]/Schedule[1]/Employees[1]/PersonIdentity[1]/PersonNumber[1]', 'int') AS PersonNumber
FROM dbo.YourTable;

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