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[英]PHP string to Javascript compatible (quotes)

I am trying to insert some Options to select which are taken from DB and are being placed also to a jQuery code. 我试图插入一些选项以选择从数据库中获取的选项,并将它们也放置到jQuery代码中。 I used json_encode, but that did not fix all the problems. 我使用了json_encode,但是并不能解决所有问题。

Basically, the / are escaped and there are only single quotes, which is good, but it places double quote at the start and at the end of the string: 基本上,/被转义并且只有单引号,这很好,但是它将双引号放在字符串的开头和结尾:

Sample code that I see in console: 我在控制台中看到的示例代码:

"<div style='display: inline-block; width: 30%;'>"+
    "Article categories:"+
    "<select name='article_cat' class='textbox' style='width:250px;'>"<option value='1'>Random<\/option>\n"</select>"+

With this error code in console: 在控制台中显示以下错误代码:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier

This is the jQuery code in PHP file itself: 这是PHP文件本身中的jQuery代码:

var options4 = {
    dataType: 'json',
    success:    function(output) {
    $("... BLA BLA BLA .... 40 lines of code....."+
    "<div style='display: inline-block; width: 30%;'>"+
        "Article categories:"+
        "<select name='article_cat' class='textbox' style='width:250px;'><?php echo json_encode($art_catlist); ?></select>"+
    "Bla bla bla .... another 20 lines of code"+
    Some more jQuery code......

Does somebody have idea why that happens? 有人知道为什么会这样吗?

This code creates the list of options (it has to be usable in PHP too, so cant really change it a lot): 这段代码创建了选项列表(它也必须在PHP中可用,因此不能做很多更改):

while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
    $art_catlist .= "<option value='".$data['article_cat_id']."'>".$data['article_cat_name']."</option>\n";

Screen from console: 控制台屏幕: 在此处输入图片说明

Ps.: Why you remove Hi at the start of the message? 附注:为什么您要在讯息开头删除Hi? Wanted to say Hi and thanks for every help. 想打个招呼,谢谢大家的帮助。 Now it seems that I am being rude :( 现在看来我很粗鲁:(

  • $art_catlist — is a string in PHP. $art_catlist —是PHP中的字符串。 Its contents is: <option value='1'>Random<\\/option> . 它的内容是: <option value='1'>Random<\\/option>

  • json_encode($art_catlist) — produces JSON-representation of this string, ie the result contains double-quotes. json_encode($art_catlist) —生成此字符串的JSON表示,即结果包含双引号。 The contents of the string is: "<option value='1'>Random<\\/option>" 字符串的内容是: "<option value='1'>Random<\\/option>"

  • "<select name='article_cat' class='textbox' style='width:250px;'><?php echo json_encode($art_catlist); ?></select>" — produces the following output: "<select name='article_cat' class='textbox' style='width:250px;'><?php echo json_encode($art_catlist); ?></select>" —产生以下输出:

    "<select name='article_cat' class='textbox' style='width:250px;'>"<option value='1'>Random<\\/option>"</select>" . "<select name='article_cat' class='textbox' style='width:250px;'>"<option value='1'>Random<\\/option>"</select>"

    "Simplified", JavaScript sees the following tokens: "some string"<option value ... “简化”,JavaScript看到以下标记: "some string"<option value ...

    So in JS you have a string literal, then comparison operator, then an identifier, then (and this is the syntax error in JS) space and another identifier. 因此,在JS中,您有一个字符串文字,一个比较运算符,一个标识符,然后(这是JS中的语法错误)空间和另一个标识符。

The simplest solution is to add string concatenation, which is run by JS. 最简单的解决方案是添加由JS运行的字符串连接。
PHP code: PHP代码:

"<select name='article_cat' class='textbox' style='width:250px;'>" 
+ <?php echo json_encode($art_catlist); ?> 
+ "</select>"

Another way is to remove quotes from JSON-encoded string on PHP side . 另一种方法是在PHP端从JSON编码的字符串中删除引号

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