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[英]Trouble calling powershell script from within powershell with arguments

I have spent the last 4 hours on this issue and would greatly appreciate any input you might have. 我在此问题上花了最后4个小时,非常感谢您提供的任何信息。

I need to call a powershell script with different credentials and pass arguments onto that script. 我需要使用不同的凭据调用powershell脚本,并将参数传递给该脚本。 Following the installation of a program wrapped in WISEScript this script kicks off to gather AD accounts for the machine and remove them from specific AD Security Groups. 安装以WISEScript包装的程序之后,该脚本将启动以收集计算机的AD帐户并将其从特定的AD安全组中删除。 Unfortunately as the script runs locally I cannot use ActiveDirectory modules in powershell as not all machines in our environment have RSAT. 不幸的是,由于脚本在本地运行,因此无法在Powershell中使用ActiveDirectory模块,因为我们环境中的并非所有计算机都具有RSAT。 The initial script is run from an elevated account on the machine: 初始脚本从计算机上的提升帐户运行:

$creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential("DOMAIN\USER", (ConvertTo-SecureString "Password" -AsPlainText -Force))
$ProfileGUIDS = Get-ChildItem 'hklm:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileGuid'
$Groups = [ADSI]"LDAP://CN=Group4d_test,OU=GroupMigrationTesting,OU=TestOU,OU=US,DC=DOMAIN",[ADSI]"LDAP://CN=Group3d_test,OU=GroupMigrationTesting,OU=TestOU,OU=US,DC=DOMAIN"
Function Get-DistinguishedName ($strUserName) 
    $searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]'') 
    $searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=User)(samAccountName=$strUserName))" 
    $result = $searcher.FindOne() 
    if ($result)
        Return $result.GetDirectoryEntry().DistinguishedName 

forEach ($GUIDkey in $ProfileGUIDS)
    $GUID = Out-String -InputObject $GUIDKey
    $index = $GUID.IndexOf("S-1")
    $GUID = $GUID.Substring($index)
    $GUID = $GUID.Substring(0,128)
    $index = $GUID.IndexOf(" ")
    $GUID = $GUID.Substring(0,$index)
    $Profile = "hklm:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\$GUID"
    $ProfileItems = Get-ItemProperty $Profile
    $SAM = $ProfileItems.ProfileImagePath
    $index = $SAM.LastIndexOf("\")
    $index ++
    $SAM = $SAM.substring($index)

    $UserDN = Get-DistinguishedName $SAM
    $User = [ADSI]"LDAP://$UserDN"
    if($User -ne $null)
        forEach($group in $groups)

Right here is where I need to call the 2nd script with different credentials. 在这里,我需要使用不同的凭据调用第二个脚本。

This is RemoveUsers.ps1, the script I need to run with different credentials: 这是RemoveUsers.ps1,我需要使用不同的凭据运行脚本:

    [string]$group = "MyDefaultSAM",
    [string]$user = "MyDefaultUser"

I have tried: 我努力了:

 start-process powershell.exe -Credential $creds -NoNewWindow -ArgumentList "Start-Process $PSSCriptRoot\RemoveUsers.ps1 -Verb

This will run the script however I cannot specify any arguments 这将运行脚本,但是我无法指定任何参数

powershell.exe -file "$PSScriptRoot\RemoveUsers.ps1" -user $user -group $group

This calls the script with arguments but does not allow for the -Credentials switch 这使用参数调用脚本,但不允许使用-Credentials开关

I have also tried: 我也尝试过:

$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { 
powershell.exe -file "$PSScriptRoot\RemoveUsers.ps1" -user $user -group $group
} -Credential $creds

This runs but does not appear to work properly as the users remain in the AD groups. 它可以运行,但由于用户仍留在AD组中而无法正常工作。

Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

Thanks - Jeff 谢谢-杰夫

**** UPDATE **** Thanks for the information. ****更新****感谢您提供信息。 When I add the changes you suggest I receive an error 当我添加更改时,您建议我收到错误消息

Invoke-Command : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters 

It appears, as I have found online, the -Credential switch cannot be used without the -Computer switch. 正如我在网上发现的那样,如果没有-Computer开关,就无法使用-Credential开关。 If I specify $env:COMPUTERNAME or localhost for the computer I receive the error 如果我为计算机指定$ env:COMPUTERNAME或localhost,则会收到错误消息

\RemoveUsers.ps1 is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was 
included, verify that the path is correct and try again

I can avoid this issue if I remove the -Credential switch and open the AD group to everyone. 如果删除-Credential开关并向所有人打开AD组,则可以避免此问题。 At this point I don't need to elevate a new powershell script and can add the command in the same. 在这一点上,我不需要提升新的powershell脚本,也可以在其中添加命令。 If I cannot resolve the issue with Invoke-Command this is likely what I will do. 如果我无法使用Invoke-Command解决问题,则可能是我会做的。

**** UPDATE **** What I ultimately had to do was use -Authentication Credssp in the argument list as there is an issue with using the AD Module via Invoke-Command. ****更新****我最终要做的是在参数列表中使用-Authentication Credssp,因为通过Invoke-Command使用AD模块存在问题。 In addition I had to start the Win-RM service, Enable WSMacCredSSP (-role client on each machine and add a DelegateComputer entry and -role server on the server connecting to). 此外,我还必须启动Win-RM服务,启用WSMacCredSSP(每台计算机上的-role客户端并在连接到的服务器上添加DelegateComputer条目和-role服务器)。 Only after the service was started and an entry was made for WSManCredSSP was I able to use the Invoke-Command switch and have the AD Module work correctly. 只有在启动服务并为WSManCredSSP进行了输入之后,我才能够使用Invoke-Command开关并使AD模块正常工作。
This of course makes things more complicated and I decided just installing the AD Module on each PC (after finding a way to do it without RSAT) and forgetting about running the command remotely all together. 当然,这使事情变得更加复杂,我决定只在每台PC上安装AD模块(在找到一种无需RSAT的方法之后),而不必再一起远程运行命令。 Thanks for your help with the matter. 感谢您的协助。 Thanks 谢谢

You don't need to run PowerShell scripts with powershell.exe when calling them from another PowerShell script. 从另一个PowerShell脚本调用它们时,不需要使用powershell.exe运行PowerShell脚本。 Simply use the call operator ( & ). 只需使用呼叫运算符( & )。 Also, I'd use Invoke-Command for running something inline with different credentials. 另外,我将使用Invoke-Command运行具有不同凭据的内联Invoke-Command

Beware that the scriptblock doesn't automatically know about the variables in the rest of your script. 请注意,脚本块不会自动了解其余脚本中的变量。 You need to pass them into the scriptblock via the -ArgumentList parameter. 您需要通过-ArgumentList参数将它们传递到脚本块中。 That is most likely the reason why removal didn't work when you ran RemoveUsers.ps1 as a job. 这很可能是您将RemoveUsers.ps1作为作业运行时,无法删除的原因。

Something like this should work: 这样的事情应该起作用:

Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {
  & "$PSScriptRoot\RemoveUsers.ps1" -user $args[0] -group $args[1]
} -ArgumentList $user, $group -Credential $creds -Computer $env:COMPUTERNAME

This requires PSRemoting, though (run Enable-PSRemoting as an administrator). 不过,这需要PSRemoting(以管理员身份运行Enable-PSRemoting )。

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