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[英]Does Servlet return response after doGet method has finished?

Obviously, the doGet method has a return type of void, so, it doesn't return anything. 显然, doGet方法的返回类型为void,因此,它不返回任何内容。 In this sense, I'm using the word "return" to mean send the response back to the client that requested it. 从这个意义上讲,我使用“返回”一词来表示将响应发送回请求它的客户端。

I'm trying to implement a long-polling Servlet. 我正在尝试实现一个长轮询的Servlet。 It would be beneficial for it not to send a response until I have something that I would like to send back. 最好在我有想要发回的东西之前不发送响应,这将是有益的。 So, in the doGet method I add the connected user's ID and AsyncContext to a map: 因此,在doGet方法中,将连接的用户的ID和AsyncContext添加到映射中:

private ConcurrentMap<String, AsyncContext> contexts = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
//...in the doGet method when I need to add the context...
contexts.put(userId, context);

Then, when I have something to send back, I can retrieve the appropriate context and write to it's responses output stream: 然后,当我有东西要发回时,我可以检索适当的上下文并写入其响应输出流:

AsyncContext context = contexts.get(userId);
PrintWriter writer = context.getResponse().getWriter();
writer.write("something to send to the client");

But, the client never seems to receive the response. 但是,客户端似乎从未收到响应。 Looking at the Network tab in the developer console of the browser, I can see the GET request is sent and then returns (with a status of 200). 查看浏览器开发者控制台中的“网络”选项卡,可以看到GET请求已发送,然后返回(状态为200)。 This occurs before I actually send something back. 这发生在我实际寄回东西之前。 Which is leading me to believe that after the doGet method is finished the response is returned. 这使我相信doGet方法完成后会返回响应。 And perhaps because of this, after this point, nothing can be sent to the client because the connection is not opened. 也许正因为如此,在此之后,由于未打开连接,因此无法将任何内容发送到客户端。

Does the doGet method send the response to the client once the method is finished executing? 一旦方法完成执行,doGet方法是否将响应发送给客户端? If this is the case, how can I keep the connection open for a long-polling effect? 在这种情况下,如何保持连接打开以产生长轮询效果?

To answer my own questions: Does the doGet method send the response to the client once the method is finished executing? 要回答我自己的问题: Does the doGet method send the response to the client once the method is finished executing?

Yes, when the doGet (or any HttpServlet method, ex: doGet, doPost, etc.) method finishes executing it sends the response back to the client. 是的,当doGet(或任何HttpServlet方法,例如:doGet,doPost等)完成执行时,它将响应发送回客户端。

If this is the case, how can I keep the connection open for a long-polling effect?

Using asynchronous Servlets (which I was using, however, I found my particular problem must be elsewhere, yet these answers are still relevant to the questions asked). 使用异步Servlet(但是我发现我的特定问题一定在其他地方,但是这些答案仍然与所提出的问题有关)。 On the ServletRequest object call the startAsync method, like so: 在ServletRequest对象上,调用startAsync方法,如下所示:

AsyncContext context = request.startAsync(request, response);

"This will notify the Web Container that at the end of the request call it should free the handling thread and leave the connection open so that other thread writes the response and end the connection." “这将通知Web容器,在请求调用结束时,它应释放处理线程并保持连接打开,以便其他线程写入响应并结束连接。” Reference Link. 参考链接。

Also, I will add the solution to my particular problem (the client wasn't receiving the response) was because in my Servlet, I wasn't calling the complete method on the AsyncContext object: 另外,我将解决方案添加到我的特定问题(客户端未收到响应)的原因是,在我的Servlet中,我没有在AsyncContext对象上调用complete方法:


Yes, the response stream is flushed and closed when doGet() finishes executing. 是的,当doGet()完成执行时,将刷新并关闭响应流。

Keeping UI threads occupied for extended periods of time violates Java Enterprise best practice. 长时间保持UI线程占用违反Java Enterprise最佳实践。

Recommend you rather return immediately if nothing to respond, and implement a timer on the client (browser) side to poll the server for results every so often. 建议您宁愿在无响应的情况下立即返回,并在客户端(浏览器)端实现一个计时器,以使服务器如此频繁地轮询结果。

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