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Sublime Text HTML元素折叠箭头

[英]Sublime Text HTML element folding arrow

The fold arrow in the gutter doesn't have arrows for all indented elements in HTML, only a few: 装订线中的折叠箭头没有HTML中所有缩进元素的箭头,只有几个:


It only shows an arrow on line #2 and #6. 它仅在#2和#6行上显示箭头。 This is with reindenting and --- "tab_size": 2, "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true --- in my user settings. 这与重新缩进和---“ tab_size”:2,“ translate_tabs_to_spaces”:true ---在我的用户设置中。

Is anyone else experiencing this? 还有其他人遇到吗? I have the fold arrows set to always show and it'd be so much faster to be able to collapse each respective HTML element when necessary. 我将折叠箭头设置为始终显示,并且在必要时能够折叠每个HTML元素会快得多。

Thanks! 谢谢!

Your indentation must to be well done to have folding arrows : 您的缩进必须做得好,才能带有折叠箭头:


Preferences 首选项

"tab_size": 4,
"tabs_small": true,
"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true

Reiterating to what Alex has said, if Indentation is what's causing this .. Have 重申亚历克斯所说的话,如果缩进是造成这种情况的原因..

    {"keys": ["f12"], "command": "reindent"}

in your user preferences. 在您的用户偏好设置中。 Ctrl+A and then f12 and see if you get the collapsing arrows. 按Ctrl + A,然后按f12,然后查看是否出现折叠箭头。

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