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[英]Dozer mapping of Lists of Complex Object

Is there a way to map one List of objects to one List of objects ids? 有没有一种方法可以将一个对象列表映射到一个对象列表ID? I have the following objects: 我有以下对象:

public class Role implements Serializable {
    private List<Section> sections;
    //getters and setters

public class Section {
    private Long id;
    //getters and setters

public class RoleDTO implements Serializable {
    private List<Long> sections;
    //getters and setters

How can i map this with Dozer XML? 如何使用Dozer XML进行映射?

Note: This is not an answer... more of a wish 注意:这不是答案...更多是希望

It would be nice if dozer supported groovy's spread operator . 如果推土机支持Groovy的传播算子,那将是很好的。 This would be a nice feature request 这将是一个不错的功能要求

eg: 例如:


You can use a custom converter 您可以使用自定义转换器

Dozer XML 推土机XML

<field custom-converter-id="mySectionsConverter">

Spring XML 春季XML

<bean id="mapper" class="org.dozer.spring.DozerBeanMapperFactoryBean">
    <property name="mappingFiles" value="..." />
    <property name="customConvertersWithId">
           <entry key="mySectionsConverter" value-ref="..." />

Note: I'm just in the process of removing dozer from my application because I feel that it complicates things. 注意:我正在从应用程序中删除推土机,因为我觉得这很复杂。 In my opinion a simple java POJO converter class does a much better job than all this XML, custom converters and spring wiring. 在我看来,简单的java POJO转换器类比所有这些XML,自定义转换器和spring接线要好得多。 I've also found cases where it was impossible to reuse a value in a nested converter which caused multiple database hits which weren't required with the POJO solution. 我还发现了无法在嵌套转换器中重用某个值的情况,这会导致多个数据库命中,而POJO解决方案则不需要。

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