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[英]Get child ID and add to parent as ARIA attribute

I have a number of images and captions on a page, set up in <figure><img><figcaption> groups. 我在页面上有许多图像和标题,它们在<figure><img><figcaption>组中进行设置。 I'd like to use JavaScript (or jQuery) to grab the ID of the figcaption and add an ' aria-labelledby ' attribute to the parent <figure> . 我想使用JavaScript(或jQuery)来获取figcaption的ID,并将' aria-labelledby '属性添加到父<figure>

For example, I have the following (simplified): 例如,我有以下内容(简化):

<figure id="figure1">
    <img src="x.jpg">
    <figcaption id="caption1">Sample</figcaption>

<figure id="figure2">
    <img src="y.jpg">
    <figcaption id="caption2">Sample</figcaption>

How can I loop through each element and add the appropriate 'aria-labelledby' attribute, eg, aria-labelledby="caption1" ? 如何遍历每个元素并添加适当的'aria-labelledby'属性,例如aria-labelledby="caption1"

I tried this but getting an undefined function error: 我尝试了此操作,但收到未定义的函数错误:

$('figure').attr('aria-labelledby', function() {

Any help appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

Thanks 谢谢

You need to return that value, otherwise you're not doing anything with it. 您需要return该值,否则将不对其执行任何操作。

$('figure').attr('aria-labelledby', function() {
    return $(this).find('figcaption').attr('id');
Demo 演示版

 $('figure').attr('aria-labelledby', function() { return $(this).find('figcaption').attr('id'); }) 
 [aria-labelledby] { color: #f00; } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <figure id="figure1"> <img src="x.jpg"> <figcaption id="caption1">Sample</figcaption> </figure> <figure id="figure2"> <img src="y.jpg"> <figcaption id="caption2">Sample</figcaption> </figure> 

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