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MySQL Master <-> Slave,PDO,Zend框架和事务

[英]MySQL Master <-> Slave, PDO , Zend Framework and Transactions

We have some wired problems with the following structure: 以下结构存在一些有线问题:

  • Zend Framework 1 Zend框架1
  • MySQL 5 Master <-> Slave replication MySQL 5 Master <->从属复制
  • PDO (Zend) Transactions PDO(Zend)交易

Example: 例:

Query 1 查询1

 $where = $adapter->quoteInto('ID = ?', $id);

Query 2 查询2

 $where = $adapter->quoteInto('ID = ?', $id);

When started on an non cluster mysql server everything works fine. 在非群集mysql服务器上启动时,一切正常。 When started on an replicated enviorment we get the following exception: 在复制环境上启动时,我们会收到以下异常:

There is no active transaction 没有活跃交易

Now i have added: 现在我添加了:


after the first query, voila it works on the cluster. 在第一个查询之后,瞧,它可以在集群上工作。 Removed it : and it is still working... 删除它:它仍在工作...

Cant explain this, maybe an unclosed transaction? 不能解释一下,也许是未完成的交易? or normal behavoir? 还是正常的行为?

Do you have a plugin that ensures that the connections are closed on every http request? 您是否有一个插件可以确保每个http请求均关闭连接? I used to have weird behaviors with zend and dbs because the connections were remaining open. 我以前对zend和dbs都有奇怪的行为,因为连接一直保持打开状态。

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