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[英]Reverse mapping an array of hash to a hash

I have an Array that contains Hash with only one key and value as an Array . 我有一个Array包含Hash只有一个键和值作为Array

Eg: 例如:

a = [{1 => ["foo", "bar"]}, {2 => ["hello"]}, {3 => ["world", "bar"]}]

Now I want to create a Hash having values of above Hash es as key and their keys as values. 现在,我想创建一个Hash具有上述值Hash ES的关键和作为值的键。

Eg: (desired result) 例如:(期望的结果)

res =  {"foo"=>[1], "bar"=>[1, 3], "hello"=>[2], "world"=>[3]}

I have solved this is following way: 我已经解决了这是下面的方式:

b =  Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
a.each { |hash|
  hash.each { |key, vals|
    vals.each { |val|
      b[val] << key
# => {"foo"=>[1], "bar"=>[1, 3], "hello"=>[2], "world"=>[3]}

It works fine but there should be a better, shorter way to do this than iterating so many times. 它可以正常工作,但是应该比迭代多次更好,更短的方法。 Please suggest. 请提出建议。

One could invert keys and values and then collect elements as needed: 可以反转键和值,然后根据需要收集元素:

a = [{1 => ["foo", "bar"]}, {2 => ["hello"]}, {3 => ["world", "bar"]}]

a.map(&:invert).inject({}) { |memo,el| 
    el = el.flatten   # hash of size 1 ⇒ array [k ⇒ v]
    el.first.each { |k| (memo[k] ||= []) << el.last }

#⇒ {
#  "bar" => [
#    [0] 1,
#    [1] 3
#  ],
#  "foo" => [
#    [0] 1
#  ],
#  "hello" => [
#    [0] 2
#  ],
#  "world" => [
#    [0] 3
#  ]
# }

Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

I'd use group_by , but you need to massage your data: 我会使用group_by ,但是您需要对数据进行处理:

a.flat_map(&:to_a) # => [[1, ["foo", "bar"]], [2, ["hello"]], [3, ["world", "bar"]]]
.flat_map{|key, values| values.map{|v| [key, v]}} # => [[1, "foo"], [1, "bar"], [2, "hello"], [3, "world"], [3, "bar"]]
.group_by(&:last) # => {"foo"=>[[1, "foo"]], "bar"=>[[1, "bar"], [3, "bar"]], "hello"=>[[2, "hello"]], "world"=>[[3, "world"]]}
.map{|key, values| [key, values.map(&:first)]} # =>  [["foo", [1]], ["bar", [1, 3]], ["hello", [2]], ["world", [3]]]
.to_h # => {"foo"=>[1], "bar"=>[1, 3], "hello"=>[2], "world"=>[3]} 

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