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[英]Wordpress - get_permalink post id outside loop

I've been struggling with this question for a while and although there's some topics regarding this subject I'm not sure how to implement it. 我已经在这个问题上苦苦挣扎了一段时间,尽管有一些与此主题相关的主题,但我不确定如何实现。 It's regarding social buttons on homepage sharing the articles clicked on. 与首页上的社交按钮共享点击的文章有关。

I have to use 我必须用

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" >
    var bShareOpt = {url: "<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>"};

which shows the permalink of the last ID instead of the link clicked on. 其中显示了上一个ID的固定链接,而不是单击的链接。 If I add the post_id number 如果我添加post_id

<?php echo get_permalink(2926); ?>

it shows the correct post. 它显示正确的帖子。

Now this is because it happens outside the loop. 现在这是因为它发生在循环之外。

Other topics regarding getting post id outside the loop: get-a-posts-id wordpress-get-the-page-id-outside-the-loop accessing-post-id-outside-of-the-loop-for-listing-child-pages 有关在循环外获取帖子ID的其他主题:获取帖子ID WordPress获取页面ID之外的循环访问获取列表ID的外部循环的列表子页面

Using get_queried_object_id or get_queried_object is apparently another option to do so. 使用get_queried_object_idget_queried_object显然是另一种选择。

But unfortunately my PHP knowledge is very limited in order to glue the pieces together. 但是不幸的是,为了将各个部分粘合在一起,我的PHP知识非常有限。 I appreciate any help! 感谢您的帮助!

see image for what I mean: 图片我的意思:

You'll need to get the ID of the page at the top of the template: 您需要在模板顶部获取页面的ID:

<?php $postid = get_the_ID(); ?>

Then in your javascript, presumably after the loop: 然后在您的javascript中,大概在循环之后:

var bShareOpt = {url: "<?php echo get_permalink($postid); ?>"}

Not sure how your code is laid out, but hope this helps! 不确定代码的布局方式,但希望对您有所帮助!

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