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[英]Linq query sum up the amount column

var result = (from t1 in _dbEntities.Charges
              join t2 in _dbEntities.ChargesTypes on t1.ChargesTypeID equals t2.ID
              where t1.StudentID == 1033
              select new {t2.Amount}).SingleOrDefault();

I want to sum the amount column how to do that and it should be convert into int before sum it up 我想对amount列进行汇总,并在汇总之前将其转换为int

Firstly, you're using SingleOrDefault which will only select a single value. 首先,您使用的是SingleOrDefault ,它将仅选择一个值。 You want to use Sum instead. 您想改用Sum Also, you don't need an anonymous type here. 另外,您在这里不需要匿名类型。 You can just use: 您可以使用:

var result = (from t1 in _dbEntities.Charges
              join t2 in _dbEntities.ChargesTypes on t1.ChargesTypeID equals t2.ID
              where t1.StudentID == 1033
              select (int) t2.Ammount).Sum();

Alternatively, you could use the form of Sum which takes a projection, possibly using a different form of Join as you only want the t2 value: 或者,您可以使用Sum形式进行投影,也可以使用另一种Join形式,因为您只需要t2值:

var result = _dbEntities.Charges
                              t1 => t1.ChargesTypeID,
                              t2 => t2.ID,
                              (t1, t2) => t2)
                        .Sum(t2 => (int) t2.Ammount);

Or even convert in the join and use the "plain" Sum afterwards: 甚至转换联接,然后使用“纯” Sum

var result = _dbEntities.Charges
                              t1 => t1.ChargesTypeID,
                              t2 => t2.ID,
                              (t1, t2) => (int) t2.Ammount)

EDIT: If the Ammount column (which should be Amount by the way) in the database is an NVARCHAR then a) change it if you possibly can. 编辑:如果数据库中的Ammount列(应为Amount的方式)是NVARCHAR则a)如果可以的话,将其更改。 Life is always simpler if the database types are appropriate; 如果数据库类型合适,则生活总是更简单; b) use int.Parse if you can't: b)如果不能,请使用int.Parse

var result = (from t1 in _dbEntities.Charges
              join t2 in _dbEntities.ChargesTypes on t1.ChargesTypeID equals t2.ID
              where t1.StudentID == 1033
              select int.Parse(t2.Ammount)).Sum();

If that doesn't work, you may need to do the parsing on the .NET side, eg 如果这样不起作用,则可能需要在.NET端进行解析,例如

var result = (from t1 in _dbEntities.Charges
              join t2 in _dbEntities.ChargesTypes on t1.ChargesTypeID equals t2.ID
              where t1.StudentID == 1033
              select t2.Ammount)
             .AsEnumerable() // Do the rest client-side
             .Sum(x => int.Parse(x));

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