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[英]Meteor Iron:Router data not loading

I am trying to get some json data and populate a select drop down with the dates to choose results from. 我正在尝试获取一些json数据,并在选择下拉列表中填充要从中选择结果的日期。 If I load the page directly at localhost:3000/results the select drop down is populated and I can select a date to receive the correct alert so in some regard, this code works. 如果直接在localhost:3000 / results加载页面,则会填充select下拉列表,并且我可以选择一个日期来接收正确的警报,因此在某些方面,此代码有效。 But I am using iron:router and when I click on the RESULTS navigation link to render the template inside of my layout, the data isn't loaded. 但是,我使用的是iron:router,当我单击“结果”导航链接以在布局内呈现模板时,未加载数据。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

RESULTS.JS______________________________________________________________________ RESULTS.JS ______________________________________________________________________

Meteor.http.call("GET", "http://data.ny.gov/resource/d6yy-54nr.json", function (err, result){
var my_json = JSON.parse(result.content);

var html = "<option value='' disabled default>Select a date</option>";
var showData = my_json;
//iterate over each lottery drawing and add it to the select.
//The date will be displayed, the index of the array element will be the value.
showData.forEach(function(element, index){
   var date = new Date(element.draw_date);
   html += "<option value='"+index+"'>"+ (parseInt(date.getMonth())+1) + "/" + date.getDate() + "/" + date.getFullYear()+ "</option>";


//insert the option into the select.
document.getElementById("selectDate").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", html);
//add an onchange event handler to the select.
document.getElementById("selectDate").addEventListener("change", displayWinningNumbers, false);

function displayWinningNumbers(e)
  //when a option is selected, test the value. If 0 or higher return the array entry with the winning numbers.
  if(e.target.value >= 0)

Solved this by doing the following: 通过执行以下操作解决此问题:

RESULTS.JS____________________________________________________ RESULTS.JS ____________________________________________________

  results: function () {
    return Session.get('lottery-results');
  winning: function() {
    return Session.get('winning')

Template.results.rendered = function(){
  Session.set('lottery-results', []);
  HTTP.get("http://data.ny.gov/resource/d6yy-54nr.json", function (err, result) {
    Session.set('lottery-results', JSON.parse(result.content) );

  'change #date': function (e, tmpl) {
    Session.set('winning', $('#date option:selected').data('winning'))

Template.results.destroyed = function(){
 Session.set('winning', []);

RESULTS.HTML____________________________________________________ RESULTS.HTML ____________________________________________________

<template name="results">
<select id="date">
<option>Select a date</option>
{{#each results}}
<option data-winning="{{ winning_numbers }}">{{dateFormat draw_date  format="MM/DD/YYYY"}}</option>
<h1>{{ winning }}</h1>

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