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[英]If-Else Statement Not reading

I am using Parse.com to load a certain number of points for a user. 我正在使用Parse.com为用户加载一定数量的点。 When the user redeems their points, the app should subtract that amount of points from him if he has a sufficient amount of points, but for some reason, the app says that the user always has a insufficient amount of points, even though the amount of points shown is a sufficient amount. 当用户赎回他们的积分时,如果他有足够的积分,应用程序应该从他减去该积分数量,但是由于某种原因,该应用程序说用户总是积分不足,即使显示的积分足够。 Here is the code.. 这是代码。

if (alertView.tag == TAG_GOODIEBAG) {

    NSLog (@"user ID:%@", [[PFUser currentUser] objectId]);

    PFQuery *query = [PFUser query];
    [query getObjectInBackgroundWithId:[[PFUser currentUser] objectId] block:^(PFObject *points, NSError *error) {
        // Do something with the returned PFObject in the gameScore variable.

        int score = [[points objectForKey:@"Points"] intValue];

        int finalpoints = score - 250;

        if (finalpoints << 0) {
            UIAlertView *alertnoerror = [[UIAlertView alloc]
                                         initWithTitle:@"Insufficient Points"
                                         message:@"You don't have enough points to redeem this item."
            [alertnoerror show];

        else {

        NSLog(@"%d", finalpoints);
        NSString *finalamountofpoints = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Points: %d", finalpoints];

        label.text = finalamountofpoints;

        int goodiebagpoints = [[points objectForKey:@"GoodieBag"] intValue];

        int finalgoodiebagpoints = goodiebagpoints + 1;

        NSLog(@"%d", finalgoodiebagpoints);

        id var = [NSNumber numberWithInteger: finalpoints];
        id goodiebagid = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:finalgoodiebagpoints];
        points[@"Points"] = var;
        points[@"GoodieBag"] = goodiebagid;
        [points saveInBackground];

        if (!error) {
            UIAlertView *alertnoerror = [[UIAlertView alloc]
                                            message:@"You have successfully redeemed your points for your Goodie Bag! Visit our office to receive your prize!"
            [alertnoerror show];


if (finalpoints << 0) will return true for everything except 0 . if (finalpoints << 0)对于除0以外的所有值都将返回true。

You probably meant: 您可能的意思是:

if (finalpoints < 0)

which will return true only when finalpoints is some value less than zero. 仅当finalpoints点的值小于零时才返回true。

finalpoints << 0 shifts all of the bits in finalpoints left zero places. finalpoints << 0改变所有的位finalpoints左零个地方。 So as long as finalpoints is non-zero, it will remain non-zero after the shift, and evaluate to YES . 因此,只要finalpoints点不为零,则移位后它将保持为非零,并求值为YES

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