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[英]Compare each element of Scala list against rest of elements in the list

I have a list of Custom objects which will be compared against rest of the objects in the same list. 我有一个Custom对象列表,它将与同一列表中的其余对象进行比较。

My current approach: Currently i take one element from a the list using foreach loop,run another foreach loop to look through the list for elements that are similar to the taken object. 我目前的方法:目前我使用foreach循环从列表中获取一个元素,运行另一个foreach循环以查看列表中与被摄对象类似的元素。

case class TestOb(name:String,pos:Vector[Int])

val lis:List[TestOb] = null

    val ref = i._2
        val current = j._2
        //compare ref and current.

Is there any other efficient way to do this iteration in Scala within same list without having two foreach loops? 有没有其他有效的方法在Scala中在同一列表中进行此迭代而没有两个foreach循环?

Have you tried using the for -loop? 你尝试过使用for -loop吗?

for( a <- lis; b <- lis) {
  // do stuff with a and b

For further convinience here an easy example to get an idea of the iteration going on behind the scenes: 为了进一步方便,这里有一个简单的例子来了解幕后的迭代:

scala> val list = 1 to 3
list: scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive = Range(1, 2, 3)
scala> for(a <- list; b <- list) println(a+" - "+b)
1 - 1
1 - 2
1 - 3
2 - 1
2 - 2
2 - 3
3 - 1
3 - 2
3 - 3

For what its worth, enzymes solution would be more in line with the functional style scala embraces. 对于它的价值,酶解决方案将更符合功能风格的scala包容。

An approach to compare each element in a collection against the rest and to collect those that are similar (here identical by using == in collect ). 一种方法,用于比较集合中的每个元素与其余元素,并收集相似的元素(这里使用==collect相同)。 In order to illustrate the case consider 为了说明案例的考虑

case class C(i:Int)

and a collection where C(1) has a similar item (equality here), 和一个集合,其中C(1)有一个similar项目(这里相等),

val xs = Array( C(1),C(2),C(3),C(1),C(4) )

Hence we combine each two items, compare them and collect those similar, 因此,我们将每两项合并,比较它们并收集相似的项目,

xs.combinations(2).collect { case Array(a,b) if a == b => a }.toArray

Note combinations delivers an iterator which is consumed (iterated over) by collect . 注意combinations提供了一个迭代器,它由collect消耗(迭代)。 Also, replace == in collect with a dissimilarity function for comparing items to decide which are similar enough. 另外,在collect使用不相似函数替换==来比较项目以确定哪些足够相似。

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