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[英]How can I exclude getters and setters in aspectJ?

I have a class aspectJ in my maven project whitch hepls me to show the Begin and the End of any called method in my project.我的Maven 项目中有一个aspectJ 类,它帮助我显示项目中任何被调用方法的开始和结束。 I try now to exclude all getters and setters.我现在尝试排除所有 getter 和 setter。 I try modify this annotation: @Around("execution(public * *(..)) by @Around("execution(public * *(..) && !within(* set*(..))")我尝试修改此注释: @Around("execution(public * *(..)) by @Around("execution(public * *(..) && !within(* set*(..))")

But it doesn't whork and it gives me that in the consol:但它并没有错,它在控制台中给了我:

 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.7:compile (default) on project spb-lceb: AJC compiler errors:
 [ERROR] error at @Around("execution(public * *(..) && !within(* set*(..))")
 Syntax error on token "execution(public * *(..) && !within(* set*(..))", ")" expected

Any idea任何的想法

The accepted solution is clearly wrong because within(* set*(..)) will not even compile.接受的解决方案显然是错误的,因为within(* set*(..))甚至不会编译。 This pointcut type needs a type signature, not a method signature.此切入点类型需要类型签名,而不是方法签名。 Furthermore, it only tries to take care of setters, not getters as asked by the OP.此外,它只尝试处理 setter,而不是 OP 要求的 getter。

The correct solution is:正确的解决办法是:

@Around("execution(public * *(..)) && !execution(* set*(..)) && !execution(* get*(..))")

By accepting the wrong solution the OP even irritated someone else trying the same here .通过接受错误的解决方案,OP 甚至激怒了其他人在这里尝试相同的方法。 This is why after such a long time I am writing this answer.这就是为什么在这么长时间后我写这个答案的原因。

I think it's only a typo because you have a mising ) at the end of the execution call before the && operator:我认为这只是一个错字,因为在&&运算符之前的执行调用结束时您有一个 mising )

@Around("execution(public * *(..) && !within(* set*(..))")

Should be:应该:

@Around("execution(public * *(..)) && !within(* set*(..))")

Try it, that should do the trick.试试吧,应该可以解决问题。

And for the methods that begins with Get the best solution is to rename them to get rid of this conflict.对于以Get开头的方法,最好的解决方案是重命名它们以摆脱这种冲突。

//package name to exclude
@Pointcut("execution(* com.aasif.dao.*.*(..))")
private void forDaoPackage() {}

@Pointcut("execution(* com.aasif.dao.*.get*(..))")
private void getter() {}

@Pointcut("execution(* com.aasif.dao.*.set*(..))")
private void setter() {}

//excluding getter and setter  method 
@Pointcut("forDaoPackage() && !(getter() || setter())")
private void forNoGetterSetter() {}

//applying to advice
public void excludingGetter() {

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