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[英]-i parameter to mv command alias in .bashrc is ignored

The title basically says it all. 标题基本上说明了一切。 My .bashrc looks like this: 我的.bashrc看起来像这样:

alias ls="clear ; ls -l --color --group-directories-first"

alias rm="rm -i"
alias mv="mv -i"

The -i parameter for the rm command works just fine. rm命令的-i参数可以正常工作。

I'm using the latest (as of yesterday) Linux Mint (Rebecca), 32-bit, Cinnamon, running in VMWare 10 on a Windows Vista Dell XPS 420 etc etc ask me if you need more info about all that. 我正在使用最新的(截至昨天)Linux Mint(Rebecca),32位,Cinnamon,在Windows Vista Dell XPS 420等机上的VMWare 10中运行,等等。问我是否需要更多有关这方面的信息。

So, Cyrus posted the correct answer in a comment, but not as an answers, so I'll post it here so the question can be closed. 因此,赛勒斯(Cyrus)在评论中发布了正确的答案,但没有将其作为答案,因此我将其张贴在此处,以便可以关闭问题。 -i only prompts if a file is about to get overwritten. -i仅在文件即将被覆盖时提示。 In other cases there's no need to prompt. 在其他情况下,则无需提示。 Thanks, Cyrus! 谢谢,赛勒斯!

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