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[英]Mask URL in Nginx for Kibana

I have setup the Kibana with Nginx. 我已经用Nginx设置了Kibana。 But need to do some tweak on this. 但是需要对此进行一些调整。 I mean , Need to mask the request URI. 我的意思是,需要屏蔽请求URI。

For example: 例如:

from : http://example.com/#/dashboard/file/logstash.json 来自: http : //example.com/#/dashboard/file/logstash.json

to: http://example.com/test 到: http : //example.com/test

Thanks 谢谢

If all your URLs have a # in them, you can do this: 如果您所有的URL中都带有#,则可以执行以下操作:

filter {
  mutate {
    gsub => [ "request", "#.*", "test" ]

If you need something more generic, you could create a custom version of the %{URI} pattern that named the fields, and then replace the request field with the assembled bits (URIPROTO, USER, URIHOST). 如果您需要更通用的东西,则可以创建%{URI}模式的自定义版本来命名字段,然后用组合位(URIPROTO,USER,URIHOST)替换请求字段。

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