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[英]Tomcat Jersey throws 404

Currently I'm facing the problem with one of our api's that we receive 404 (Not Found) directly from Tomcat. 目前,我遇到一种API的问题,即我们直接从Tomcat收到404(未找到)。 The thing is that the response is empty - so it wasn't thrown by our application, also our log is completely clean. 问题是响应为空-因此我们的应用程序未抛出该响应,而且我们的日志是完全干净的。 Also it doesn't appear only on one path - it is appearing on different parts of the api - some are working and some of them not. 而且它不仅出现在一条路径上-它出现在api的不同部分上-有些正在工作,而有些则没有。

After restarting the our tomcat the response is as expected. 重新启动我们的tomcat之后,响应是预期的。 It's a (for me) a completely random appearing problem, also for our IT team. 对于我来说,这对我们的IT团队来说是一个完全随机出现的问题。 May somebody face similar problems or maybe there is also a solution for this? 可能有人会遇到类似的问题,或者对此也有解决方案?

Tomcat-Version: Tomcat 7.0.39 Tomcat版本: Tomcat 7.0.39
Java-Version: 1.7.0-25 Java版本: 1.7.0-25
NginX: 1.4.7 NginX: 1.4.7

Update: We are currently working with a hotdeploy on that server - may that could create these problems? 更新:我们目前正在该服务器上进行热部署-可能会造成这些问题吗?

This is caused by a strange behavior on hotdeploy - after redeploy some references are not really cleared and so it points to a different part of the storage. 这是由于hotdeploy上的奇怪行为引起的-重新部署后,某些引用并未真正清除,因此指向存储的不同部分。 After debugging a lot a simple restart will fix that issue - hopefully it will be fixed in a future version of tomcat - can't find a problem with our application at all - because also with a simply hello world with fileuploads (to achieve a lot of connections) I face the same issue - sometimes. 经过大量调试之后,只需重新启动即可解决该问题-希望它将在tomcat的未来版本中得到修复-根本找不到我们的应用程序有问题-因为这也是一个简单的hello世界,带有文件上传功能(连接)我有时会遇到相同的问题。

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