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[英]Angular unit testing: how to test controller properties without scope

I'm trying to write some tests for a controller, but ALL the documentation/tutorials/etc on this demonstrate with functions and variables on $scope. 我正在尝试为控制器编写一些测试,但所有文档/教程/等都在$ scope上演示了函数和变量。 What if you want to test something NOT on $scope? 如果你想测试不在$ scope上的东西怎么办?

Ex: 例如:

app.controller('fakeCtrl', function($scope) {

    var foo = 'bar';

    function fooBar() {
        console.log('foo bar');


Is there any way to unit test foo or fooBar() ? 有没有办法单元测试foofooBar()

Here's what DOESN'T work: 这是什么不起作用:

describe("fake controller", function(){


    var $controller;

    beforeEach(inject(function(_$controller_, $rootScope){
        $controller = _$controller_;
        $scope = $rootScope.$new();

    describe('foo property', function() {
        it('is bar', function() {
          var controller = $controller('fakeCtrl', { $scope: $scope });

You can not. 你不能。 Variable foo and function fooBar are inaccessible outside the scope of your controller constructor. 变量foo和函数fooBar在控制器构造函数范围之外是不可访问的。 You can however do something like that: 但是你可以这样做:

app.controller('fakeCtrl', function($scope) {
  this.foo = 'bar';
  this.fooBar() {
    console.log('foo bar');

And than: 然后:

describe('foo property', function() {
    it('is bar', function() {
      var controller = $controller('fakeCtrl', { $scope: $scope });

In the test you have described foo as a property, but in your controller foo is just variable not property. 在测试中,您将foo描述为属性,但在您的控制器中, foo只是变量而不是属性。

Edit: Check https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngController and controller as syntax. 编辑:检查https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngControllercontroller as语法。

There is no way in javascript to access local(declared inside function) function or variable from outside scope. 在javascript中无法从外部作用域访问本地(声明的函数内部)函数或变量。 You have some options to test this: 你有一些选择来测试这个:

  1. Declare function/variable on scope. 声明范围上的函数/变量。
  2. Move function/variable to angular service and test that service 将函数/变量移动到角度服务并测试该服务
  3. Test function/variable indirectly, by testing methods on scope that use that function/value 通过测试使用该函数/值的范围的方法,间接测试函数/变量

I prefer to move such functions/variables to angular services, but it depends on their purpose. 我更喜欢将这些函数/变量移动到角度服务,但这取决于它们的用途。

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