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Java中的“ JOptionPane java.lang.NullPointerException”错误

[英]“JOptionPane java.lang.NullPointerException” error in Java

This is my full code: 这是我的完整代码:

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class Lab5bug {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    int x=0;
    String str;
    for (;;)
        str = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a grade 0-100\n(Hit Cancel to abort)");
        if (str==null || str.equals(""))
        x = Integer.parseInt(str);
        if (x>=0 && x<=100)
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Invalid grade, try again");
    if (str != null  & !str.equals(""))   //<===========BUG:  NEEED TO USE && 
        //&,||.| are all lead to bug if we press Cancel.
        //str can be null it does not pass 1st condition
        //but still pass 2nd condition
        //str can be "" pass first condition but not second condition
        //and therefre it still show the message The grade is 0
        //But why 
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "The grade is " + x);

When I run the program and press Cancel at the first dialog box, then the program returns a error: 当我运行程序并在第一个对话框中按“取消”时,程序将返回错误:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at Lab5bug.main(Lab5bug.java:19)

I have already located the problem, at this line if (str != null & !str.equals("")) But why only && works? 如果(str!= null和!str.equals(“”))在这一行,我已经找到了问题,但是为什么只有&&有效? I do not understand the logic behind this. 我不了解其背后的逻辑。

& does not short circuit the statement, meaning that if str != null is false, it still tries str.equals("") which would cause a NPE if str is null. &不会使语句短路,这意味着如果str != null为false,它仍会尝试str.equals("") ,如果str为null则将导致NPE。 The system naively evaluates the second part of the statement with & even if the first part is false. 即使第一部分为假&也会用&天真地评估语句的第二部分。

&& works because it short circuits the statement, and if str != null is false, it breaks from the statement not evaluating the second part of the statement and avoiding the NPE; &&之所以起作用是因为它使语句短路,并且如果str != null为false,则它会从该语句中断,而不是评估该语句的第二部分并避免使用NPE; because the statement can't be true if the first value is false. 因为如果第一个值为false,则该语句不能为true。

Most of the time && is more desirable than & . 大多数情况下, &&&更可取。

Also the same rule applies to OR, | 同样的规则也适用于OR | and || || . true | throw new RuntimeException("Second part of statement was evaluated "); will throw that exception, whereas true || throw new RuntimeException("Second part of the statement was evaluated") 将抛出该异常,而true || throw new RuntimeException("Second part of the statement was evaluated") true || throw new RuntimeException("Second part of the statement was evaluated") will not reach the exception because the statement is guaranteed to be true because the first part of the statement evaluates to true, so it short circuits and breaks from the statement. true || throw new RuntimeException("Second part of the statement was evaluated")将不会到达异常,因为该语句的第一部分评估为true,从而保证该语句为true,因此会短路并中断该语句。

Replace 更换

if (str != null & !str.equals(""))


if (str != null && !str.equals(""))

& stands for bitwise AND. &代表按位与。 Therefore when str is null, the expression !str.equals("") throws a NullPointerException . 因此,当str为null时,表达式!str.equals("")抛出NullPointerException When the logical AND operator && is used, the !str.equals("") expression won't be reached because the first condition str != null is false. 使用逻辑AND运算符&& ,将不会达到!str.equals("")表达式,因为第一个条件str != null为false。

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