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在Visual Studio 2010中启用C#项目

[英]Enable C# projects in Visual Studio 2010

It seems that C# support has been installed: 似乎已经安装了C#支持:


However, there isn't an option to create a C# project: 但是,没有创建C#项目的选项:


Is there a way to enable C# projects without having to reinstall VS? 有没有办法在不重新安装VS的情况下启用C#项目?

Note: this question isn't entirely relevant: How can I add C# language support to Visual Studio 2010 shell? 注意:这个问题并不完全相关: 如何向Visual Studio 2010 shell添加C#语言支持?

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I followed the instructions (listed in the comments). 我按照说明(在评论中列出)。 The *TemplatesCache directories were recreated (with one named CSharp in ItemTemplatesCache ), however they are not included in the new project list (when VS is restarted). 重新创建了*TemplatesCache目录(在ItemTemplatesCache有一个名为CSharp ),但它们不包含在新项目列表中(重新启动VS时)。

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If it is relevant, I have 'Visual Studio 2010 Shell' edition: 如果它是相关的,我有'Visual Studio 2010 Shell'版本:


Visual Studio 2010 Shell is a completely different product from Visual Studio 2010 Express or Professional. Visual Studio 2010 Shell是与Visual Studio 2010 Express或Professional完全不同的产品。 The former allows you to create shell applications. 前者允许您创建shell应用程序。 The latter allows you to create C# and/or VB programs. 后者允许您创建C#和/或VB程序。

What you need to do is install Visual Studio 2010 Express or Professional. 您需要做的是安装Visual Studio 2010 Express或Professional。

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