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[英]Java: why the “long” primitive type does not accept a simple number?

I got a method that receives a long type parameher, and I try to call it passing 1 : 我有一个接收long类型参数的方法,我试着称它传递1


And I receive this: 我收到了这个:

The method setId(Long) in the type Contato is not applicable for the arguments (int).

But, isn't 1 a long number as well? 但是,是不是1较长的数字呢? Isn't it inside the long scope ?? 是不是在长范围内

PS: Just to say, I solved the problem with this code: PS:只是说,我用这段代码解决了这个问题:

Integer y = 1;
long x = y.longValue();

It's just a didatic question. 这只是一个狡猾的问题。

You should use contato.setId(1L); 你应该使用contato.setId(1L); (notice the "L" suffix) (注意“L”后缀)

The literal "1" represents a primitive int value, which is casted to an java.lang.Integer wrapper class. 文字“1”表示原始int值,它被转换为java.lang.Integer包装类。

long is a datatype that contains 64bits (not to be confused with the Object Long !) vs. an int (32 bits), so you can't use a simple assignment from int to long . long是一个包含64位的数据类型(不要与Object Long混淆!)与int(32位),因此您不能使用从intlong的简单赋值。 See: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html 请参阅: http//docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html

In order to see how to declare the various datatypes, you should check specifically the following table : 为了了解如何声明各种数据类型,您应该具体检查下表

Datatype    Default Value
byte        0
short       0
int         0
long        0L
float       0.0f
double      0.0d
char        '\u0000'
Object      null
boolean     false

So, for your case, long should be declared with the number followed by an L , for instance: 所以,对于你的情况, long应该用数字后跟L来声明,例如:

long x = 100L;

Further, doing what you're doing with autoboxing : 进一步,做你正在做的自动装箱

Integer y = 1;
long x = y.longValue();

is not only unnecessary - it's very wasteful as well. 这不仅是不必要的 - 它也非常浪费。 So, for example, if you'll do it in a loop (many times) your code will be slower in order of magnitude! 因此,例如,如果你将在一个循环(多次)中执行它,你的代码将在数量级上变慢!

Long is not a primitive type, long is. Long不是原始类型, long是。 When using the wrapper classes instead of the primitive types, you need to explicitly indicate to the compiler that the passed argument is a long by adding the L suffix: 使用包装类而不是基元类型时,需要通过添加L后缀向编译器明确指示传递的参数是long


Or you can simply change the setId method so that it takes a primitive long argument instead. 或者您可以简单地更改setId方法,以便它采用原始的long参数。

setId takes a capital-L Long , which is Java's wrapper around lowercase-l long (AKA 64-bit integer). setId采用大写L Long ,这是Java的小写l long (AKA 64位整数)的包装器。 Because of this, Java easily knows how to convert a long to a Long without you doing anything special. 因此,Java很容易知道如何在不做任何特殊操作的情况下将long转换为Long So, like the other answers say, you could simply do setId(1L) , which is giving it a long , which it easily converts to a Long . 所以,就像其他答案一样,你可以简单地做setId(1L) ,它给它一个long ,很容易转换为Long

However, if you must use a 32-bit int , you must first convert it to a long or a Long , so Java knows how to handle it. 但是,如果必须使用32位int ,则必须先将其转换为longLong ,以便Java知道如何处理它。 You see, Java does not know implicitly how to convert a lowercase-i int to an uppercase-L Long , only to an uppercase-I Integer (the wrapper class around int ). 你看,Java并不知道如何将小写-i int转换为大写-L Long ,只知道大写-I Integerint周围的包装类)。

So, assuming your int's name is i , you can use these as well: 所以,假设你的int的名字是i ,你也可以使用它们:

setId((long)i);         // Cast your int to a long, which Java can turn into a Long
setId((Long)(long)i);   // Cast your int to a long, then that long to a Long
setId(new Long(i));     // Create a new Long object based on your int
setId(Long.valueOf(i)); // Get the Long version of your int

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