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[英]How can I pass argument with parameter to gulp?

I want to do something like 我想做类似的事情

gulp build --param1=abc

and I want this param to be available in Angular Service/Controller. 我希望在Angular Service / Controller中可以使用此参数。 Is there a way I can do that? 有办法吗?

Yes. 是。 I would recommend in your Gulp config, you create an Angular constant that can be injected into any part of the application. 我建议您在Gulp配置中创建一个Angular常数,该常数可以注入到应用程序的任何部分。

var ngConstant = require('gulp-ng-constant');
var args = require('yargs').argv;

gulp.task('constant', function () {
  var selectedConstant = args.env || 'dev'; // if --env is not declared, assume dev
  var constants = {
    dev: {
      ENV: {
        'api': 'api.someUrl.com',
        'url': 'dev.url.com'
    prod: {
      ENV: {
        'api': 'api.someUrl.com',
        'url': 'dev.url.com'

  return ngConstant({
      name: 'app', // name of your module
      constants: constants[selectedConstant],
      stream: true

gulp.task('build', function () {

Now, you can run gulp build --env=prod and that will create a file called constants.js in your /src/ folder (or wherever you specify). 现在,您可以运行gulp build --env=prod ,这将在/src/文件夹(或指定的任何位置)中创建一个名为constants.js文件。 Now include this file in your index.html . 现在,将此文件包含在index.html

You can now inject the constant ENV anywhere in your services or controllers and reference the variables within. 现在,您可以在服务或控制器中的任何位置注入常量ENV ,并引用其中的变量。


.service('SomeService', function(ENV) {
  // access ENV vars here

.controller('SomeCtrl', function($scope, ENV) {
  // access ENV vars here

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