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NoClassDefFoundError:将jasper导出到pdf时com / itextpdf / text / DocumentException

[英]NoClassDefFoundError: com/itextpdf/text/DocumentException when exporting jasper to pdf

I created a jasper report and now I need to export that report to pdf format. 我创建了一个jasper报告,现在我需要将该报告导出为pdf格式。 This is my code for that. 这是我的代码。

        // compiles jrxml
        JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(reportName + ".jrxml");
        // fills compiled report with parameters and a connection
        JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(reportName + ".jasper", parameters, connection);

        // to view the report
        //JasperViewer.viewReport(print, false);

        // export repor to pdf
        JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(print, "fromXml.pdf");

When I view the report using JasperViewer , it works fine. 当我使用JasperViewer查看报告时,它工作正常。 But When I exporting the report into pdf format, it gives me the following exception. 但是,当我将报告导出为pdf格式时,出现以下异常。

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/itextpdf/text/DocumentException

But I have put the iText jar into my libraries. 但是我已经将iText jar放入了我的库中。


But one thing, I had another version of iText jar before. 但是有一件事,我之前有另一个版本的iText jar。 It gave me the same exception. 它给了我同样的例外。 I thought that there may be some issues with the version of it.(I followed a tutorial, so I added the same jar as they had used in the tutorial replacing the new jar I had used). 我以为它的版本可能有问题(我遵循了一个教程,所以我添加了与教程中使用的相同的jar替换了我使用的新jar)。

but still the problem remains. 但问题仍然存在。 I thought this may be the issue now(the accepted answer of the question). 我认为可能是现在的问题(问题的公认答案)。 But I do not know how to fix it. 但是我不知道如何解决它。 I removed the entire library and added it again with iText jar which had been used by the tutorial. 我删除了整个库,并使用本教程使用的iText jar再次添加了它。 But I had no luck. 但是我没有运气。

Could you please help me to overcome this issue. 您能帮我解决这个问题吗? Thank you! 谢谢!

You need to upgrade your iText-2.1.7.jar file to latest version as earlier the package that was used by jar is com.lowagie... 您需要将iText-2.1.7.jar文件升级到最新版本,因为jar所使用的软件包较早是com.lowagie...

See the change list here which says it has changed the package name. 请参阅此处的更改列表其中说它已更改软件包名称。


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