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[英]How do you call JavaScript delete from Kotlin?

I am working with a third party library from Kotlin and one of the things I must do is call delete thing[key] in order to remove an item from thing. 我正在使用Kotlin的第三方库,我必须做的delete thing[key]是调用delete thing[key]以便从事物中删除项目。 I am unable to figure out how to do this from Kotlin code. 我无法从Kotlin代码中找出如何执行此操作。

I did try js("delete thing[key]") , but thing is a parameter to a function and is name-mangled by the Kotlin > JavaScript compiler so an exception is thrown when the line is executed. 我确实尝试过js("delete thing[key]") ,但是thing是函数的参数,并且由Kotlin> JavaScript编译器进行了名称拼写,因此执行该行时会引发异常。 I also tried js("delete ") thing[key] but unsurprisingly that didn't work either. 我也尝试了js("delete ") thing[key]但毫不奇怪,它也不起作用。

For delete operator You can write: 对于delete运算符,您可以编写:

external fun delete(p: dynamic): Boolean = noImpl

For more convenient use I'd added some helpers: 为了更方便的使用,我添加了一些帮助器:

fun delete(thing: dynamic, key: String) {

// or
fun String.deleteFrom(d: dynamic) {

fun test(a: Any, k: String) {
    delete(a, k)
    k deleteFrom a

Note: using the delete operator is not a good practice and it'll leads to deoptimizations in JS VMs 注意:使用delete运算符不是一个好习惯,它会导致JS VM中的去优化

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