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[英]angular command in ng-bind-html

I'm trying to use $interpolate and ng-bind-html to bind the data of my scope variable to a html string by this answer . 我正在尝试使用$interpolateng-bind-html通过此答案将我的范围变量的数据绑定到html字符串。 Now when my scope variable's value is updating the ng-bind-html result, its not updating. 现在,当我的范围变量的值正在更新ng-bind-html结果时,它不会更新。

I don't want to call $interpolate every time that my scope updates. 我不想每次范围更新时都调用$interpolate

This is my controller code: 这是我的控制器代码:

$scope.TitleFlag= true;
$scope.HtmlContent = "<div>{{TitleFlag}}</div>";
$scope.trustedHtml = $interpolate($scope.HtmlContent)($scope);
$scope.TitleFlagToggle = function(){
    $scope.TitleFlag= !$scope.TitleFlag;

And this is my view code: 这是我的查看代码:

<div>{{TitleFlag}}</div> <!-- This is update correctly -->
<div ng-bind-html="trustedHtml"></div> <!-- This is not update -->
<button class="button" ng-click="TitleFlagToggle()"></button>

While the TitleFlag is changing we need to interpolate it. 当TitleFlag更改时,我们需要对其进行插值。 So put the $scope.trustedHtml also in click function too. 因此,也将$ scope.trustedHtml也放在click函数中。

$scope.TitleFlag= true;
$scope.HtmlContent = "<div>{{TitleFlag}}</div>";
$scope.trustedHtml = $interpolate($scope.HtmlContent)(  $scope);
$scope.TitleFlagToggle = function(){
  $scope.TitleFlag= !$scope.TitleFlag;
  $scope.trustedHtml = $interpolate($scope.HtmlContent)(  $scope);

http://plnkr.co/edit/rRjHOY2xSiAZ8EtzviqK?p=preview http://plnkr.co/edit/rRjHOY2xSiAZ8EtzviqK?p=preview

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