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[英]python - 'NoneType' object has no attribute

I'm new with Python/programming and trying to solve little problems to get a hang of it. 我是Python /编程的新手,正在尝试解决一些小问题以掌握它。 I've been struggling with the error below and not too sure how i got it. 我一直在努力与下面的错误,也不太确定我是怎么得到的。 I understand it is saying the file type is None which is why it's throwing the error. 我知道这是在说文件类型为None,这就是为什么它会引发错误。 However, I don't get how it is None in the first place? 但是,我一开始不了解None。 Just wondering if I could get some guidance or hint on the issue? 只是想知道我是否可以在这个问题上得到一些指导或提示? Thank you very much, sorry if the code is messy 非常感谢您,如果代码混乱

line 138, in move self.ecoList[self.temP].nP = tempAni.p AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'nP' 第138行,在移动self.ecoList [self.temP] .nP = tempAni.p AttributeError:'NoneType'对象没有属性'nP'

    from random import randint
class Bears:
  def __init__(self):
    self.p = 0
    self.dp = 0
    self.nP = 0
    self.check = True

  def run(self):
    self.dp = randint(-1, 1)
    self.nP = self.dp + self.p
    self.check = False
  def __str__(self):
    return "Bear_"
  def __repr__(self):
    return self.__str__()
class Fish:
  def __init__(self):
    self.p = 0
    self.dp = 0
    self.nP = 0
    self.check = True

  def run(self):
    self.dp = randint(-1, 1)
    self.nP = self.dp + self.p
    self.check = False
  def __str__(self):
    return "Fish|"
  def __repr__(self):
    return self.__str__()
class EcoSystem:
  def __init__(self):
    self.ecoList = [None] * 10
    self.bearList = []
    self.fishList = []

    for i in range(2):
        #Adding bear to ecoList
        while True:
            index = randint(0, 9)
            if self.ecoList[index] is None:
                self.ecoList[index] = self.bearList[i]
                self.ecoList[index].p = index
    for i in range(2):
        #Adding fish to ecoList
        while True:
            index = randint(0, 9)
            if self.ecoList[index] is None:
                self.ecoList[index] = self.fishList[i]
                self.ecoList[index].p = index


  def move(self):
    #Print out the current eco system

    print(*self.ecoList, sep='\n')
    anwser = True
    while anwser:

        #populate next move new position for each object
        for i in range(len(self.ecoList)):
            if self.ecoList[i] is None:
        #run for loop to test next position of the object
        for i in range (len(self.ecoList)):
            #if [i] item is None skip to next loop
            if self.ecoList[i] is None:
            elif self.ecoList[i].check == True:
            #else check if it is going to move then check adjacent slot is going to be taken
                tempAni = None #temp animal to compare with item in loop
                #call out new position from item i
                newP = self.ecoList[i].nP
                #call out direction:
                newDP = self.ecoList[i].dp
                #do nothing, skip to next slot if it is not going to move
                if newDP == 0:
                    self.ecoList[i].check = True
                elif newDP != 0:#test if new position is going to be out of bound
                    if newP < 0 or newP > (len(self.ecoList)-1):
                        #set new position back to current
                        self.ecoList[i].nP = self.ecoList[i].p
                        self.ecoList[i].dp = 0
                        self.ecoList[i].check = True
                        #test if new position is going to be collided
                        if self.ecoList[newP] is not None:
                            if self.ecoList[newP].nP == self.ecoList[i].nP:
                                tempAni = self.ecoList[newP]
                            #test if the next next new position is not None or out of bound
                            #Assumption - prioritize the closet animal going to move
                            elif (newP+newDP) > 0 and (newP+newDP) < (len(self.ecoList)-1):
                                if self.ecoList[newP+newDP] is not None:
                                    #test if this is going to be collided
                                    if self.ecoList[newP+newDP].nP == self.ecoList[i].nP:
                                        tempAni = self.ecoList[newP+newDP]
                #if tempAni is not none compare the type
                if tempAni is not None:
                    print ("####")
                    print (self.ecoList[i].p)
                    print (self.ecoList[i])
                    print (tempAni.p)
                    print ("####")
                    #test if they are the same type
                    self.temP = tempAni.p
                    if tempAni.__class__.__name__ == self.ecoList[i].__class__.__name__:
                        #if they are, change new position to current position
                        self.ecoList[i].nP = self.ecoList[i].p
                        self.ecoList[i].check = True
                        self.ecoList[self.temP].nP = tempAni.p
                        self.ecoList[self.temP].check = True
                        #create new animal of the same type and put it to a random place on the list
                        #Assumption - if the list is full add do nothing
                        #Determine tempAni type to create new bear or fish
                        if isinstance(tempAni, Bears):
                            #create new bear
                            newAni = Bears()
                            #creaete new fish
                            newAni = Fish()
                        #while loop if the list is still have available spot add new animal to random spot, otherwise do nothing
                        while None in self.ecoList:

                            index = randint(0, 9)
                            if self.ecoList[index] is None:
                                self.ecoList.insert(index, newAni)
                                self.ecoList[index].p = index
                                print ("*****")
                                print (self.ecoList[index].p)
                                print (self.ecoList[index])
                                print ("*****")
                    #if they are not the same type, kill the fish
                        #determine if tempAni is the fish or bear
                        if isinstance(tempAni, Bears):
                            #if it is bears kill the fish in i
                            self.ecoList[i].p = -1
                            self.ecoList[i].check = True
                            self.ecoList[self.temP].check = True
                        elif isinstance(tempAni, Fish):
                            #if it is fish kill it
                            self.ecoList[self.temP].p = -1
                            self.ecoList[i].check = True
                            self.ecoList[self.temP].check = True

        #Apply the change after all the checks are finished
        #Remove all the fish got killed and apply the moves
        for i in range (len(self.ecoList)):
            if self.ecoList[i] is not None:

                    if self.ecoList[i].p == -1:
                        self.ecoList[i] = None
                    elif self.ecoList[i].check == False:
                        self.ecoList[i].check = True
                        newP = self.ecoList[i].nP
                        if newP != i:
                            self.ecoList[newP] = self.ecoList[i]
                            self.ecoList[newP].p = newP
                            self.ecoList[i] = None

        #Print out the current eco system
        print ("---------------------------------------")
        for i in range (len(self.ecoList)):
        #Ask if user want to continue playing
        test = True
        while test == True:
            strAns = input ('Enter y/n to continue or not: ')
            if strAns.lower() == "n":
                anwser = False
                test = False
            elif strAns.lower() == "y":
                test = False
def main():


The error means that self.ecoList[self.temP] is None , although your code does not expect it to be None . 该错误意味着self.ecoList[self.temP]None ,尽管您的代码不希望它为None So, this is the offending line: 因此,这是令人反感的行:

self.ecoList[self.temP].nP = tempAni.p

Your code actually wants to assign tempAni.p to None.nP . 您的代码实际上想要将tempAni.p分配给None.nP None does not have such an attribute, and that is why you get the error. None一个没有这样的属性,这就是为什么出现错误的原因。 The line where the code throws the exception is just an indication that something is wrong in your code, somewhere . 代码引发异常的行仅表示代码中某处有问题 Finding this bug is your task now. 查找此错误是您现在的任务。

You need to breathe calmly and step-by-step figure out where your code is wrong. 您需要冷静地呼吸,并逐步找出代码错误的地方。 This might be anywhere and nobody here on SO will find this for you. 它可能在任何地方,所以这里没有人会为您找到这个。 Add print and/or assert statements to your code, and narrow down the issue. 在代码中添加print和/或assert语句,并缩小问题范围。 This is debugging work, and you have to go through it! 这是调试工作,您必须完成它!

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