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[英]Java unexpected console output

How can I tabulate my output so that the calculations line up with Celsius and Fahrenheit? 如何将我的输出制成表格,以使计算与摄氏温度和华氏温度保持一致?

Also, how do I display a number like 183.20000000000002 more naturally? 另外,如何更自然地显示类似183.20000000000002的数字?

public static void main(String[] args) {
    double cel = 0;
    double fahrenheit =cel * 1.8+ 32;

    int i;
    System.out.println();// blank line
    System.out.print("Hello ");// output line
    System.out.println("This Program will show temperature conversions from 0-100\nThen in reverse \nCelsius              Fahrenheit");

    for (i = 0; i <25; i++){    
        cel =cel+ 4;
        fahrenheit =cel * 1.8+ 32;
        System.out.println(+ cel + "                  " + fahrenheit);

You can use either String#format or System.out.printf to generate formatted output, for example 您可以使用String#formatSystem.out.printf生成格式化的输出,例如

public static void main(String[] args) {
    double cel = 0;
    double fahrenheit = cel * 1.8 + 32;

    int i;
    System.out.println();// blank line
    System.out.print("Hello ");// output line
    System.out.println("This Program will show temperature conversions from 0-100\nThen in reverse");
    System.out.printf("%s | %s%n", "Celsius", "Fahrenheit");

    for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
        cel = cel + 4;
        fahrenheit = cel * 1.8 + 32;
        System.out.printf(" %6.2f | %6.2f%n", cel, fahrenheit);

Which outputs... 哪个输出...

This Program will show temperature conversions from 0-100
Then in reverse
Celsius | Fahrenheit
   4.00 |  39.20
   8.00 |  46.40
  12.00 |  53.60
  16.00 |  60.80
  20.00 |  68.00
  24.00 |  75.20
  28.00 |  82.40
  32.00 |  89.60
  36.00 |  96.80
  40.00 | 104.00
  44.00 | 111.20
  48.00 | 118.40
  52.00 | 125.60
  56.00 | 132.80
  60.00 | 140.00
  64.00 | 147.20
  68.00 | 154.40
  72.00 | 161.60
  76.00 | 168.80
  80.00 | 176.00
  84.00 | 183.20
  88.00 | 190.40
  92.00 | 197.60
  96.00 | 204.80
 100.00 | 212.00

Check out this for more details about the available formatting options 请查看内容以获取有关可用格式选项的更多详细信息

Use the DecimalFormat class to ensure that only the right number of decimals show up. 使用DecimalFormat类可确保仅显示正确的小数位数。 Floating Points (including doubles, which are just "double wide" floating points) use a special binary representation and some decimals don't always round correctly. 浮点数 (包括双精度浮点数 ,仅是“双倍宽”的浮点数)使用特殊的二进制表示形式,并且某些小数位并不总是正确舍入。 Using Formatting classes ensures that you don't output a number that is longer than a user expected (eg telling a user a price is $1.0000001 wouldn't be good practice--its part of the reason why floating points are poor choices for things like money). 使用Formatting类可确保您输出的数字不会长于用户的期望(例如,告诉用户价格为$ 1.0000001)不是一个好习惯-这是为什么浮点数是诸如此类之类的错误选择的部分原因钱)。

Example: 例:

double data = 0.08d+0.02d;
//The # means "optional digit", the zeros mean mandatory
//e.g. 4 formatted with "#.##" would be "4", but with 
//"#.00" would be "4.00"
DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#.00");

To address the second part of your question (although that should be in a separate question altogether), I recommend you review printf() . 为了解决您问题的第二部分(尽管应该完全放在一个单独的问题中),我建议您查看printf() Here is a good guide on its use. 是有关其使用的良好指南。

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