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获取Google Analytics(分析)数据的首选方法

[英]preferred method to get google analytics data

What is the best or reccomended way to use the google anaylitcs api to get its data? 使用Google anaylitcs API获取数据的最佳或推荐方法是什么? I have been searching & exprimentign. 我一直在搜索和实验。 The tutorials i used so far have me using ZEND Gdata, but i went and tried the "Tutorial: Hello Analytics API" and so far it has examples for js, php,etc and doesn't' seem to require it. 到目前为止,我使用的教程让我使用ZEND Gdata,但我尝试了“教程:Hello Analytics API”,到目前为止,它具有js,php等示例,并且似乎并不需要。 Bit confused as to where i should concentrate my efforts for a better result. 对于我应该集中精力争取更好的结果,我有些困惑。

Basically i want to connect to the google analytics api for a full or selected data pull that doenst' have to be manual as in go into the analytic page and click on export .csv 基本上,我想连接到Google Analytics(分析)API以获取完整的数据或选定的数据,确实需要手动进行,如进入分析页面并单击export .csv

Thank you D 谢谢你D

You should check out the update Hello Analytics API docs. 您应该查看更新的Hello Analytics API文档。 That way you only need to use the Google APIs Client Library for PHP and not any third party tool. 这样,您只需要使用适用于PHP的Google API客户端库 ,而无需使用任何第三方工具。

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