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[英]Selecting data from MYSQL table based on rows

I have the following sql table: 我有以下sql表:

201401  3641    HO       29      3829
201401  3641    IL       2      2
201401  3641    Office   34     43576
201401  3641    Other    38     424
201401  3641503 HO      2904    13584
201401  3641503 IL      2045    2833
201401  3641503 Office  106     237
201401  3641503 Other   79      129
201401  364     HO      37      182
201401  364     IL      8        9
201401  364     Office  750     1317
201401  364     Other   5        6

from this table i want to create another table which looks like this: 我要从此表创建另一个如下表:

  MONTH   CODE      HO_qty    IL+Office_QTY   Other_QTY    HO_Price  IL+Office_Price   Other_Price
 201401  3641       29           36(34+2)      38          3829        43578(43576+2)    424
 201401  3641503    2904         2151          79          13584       3070              129
 201401  364        37           758            5          182         1326               6

The SQl fiddle is here: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/cf745df/1 SQl小提琴在这里: http ://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/cf745df/1

Any pointers on approach? 关于方法有什么建议吗?

Think this is probably what you are looking for: 认为这可能是您要寻找的:

 sum(case when descr in ('Office','IL') then QTY end) as `IL+Office_QTY`,
 sum(case when descr = 'HO' then QTY end) as `HO_qty`,
 sum(case when descr = 'Other' then QTY end) as `Other_QTY`,

 sum(case when descr in ('Office','IL') then PRICE end) as `IL+Office_Price`,
 sum(case when descr = 'HO' then PRICE end) as `HO_Price`,
 sum(case when descr = 'Other' then PRICE end) as `Other_Price`
from Table1
group by MONTH, CODE

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