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[英]MetaData Response - Broker hostname is wrong

I use python-kafka's SimpleConsumer to listen to a topic in kafka broker. 我使用python-kafka的SimpleConsumer来收听kafka代理中的主题。 Kafka broker is running on a machine with its hostname as BROKER_HOST. Kafka代理正在其主机名为BROKER_HOST的计算机上运行。 Now, SimpleConsumer requests for topic metadata from the broker BROKER_HOST for a topic TOPIC & gets a tuple 现在,SimpleConsumer向代理BROKER_HOST请求主题元数据以获取主题TOPIC,并获取一个元组

   (Broker metadata, Topic metadata)

Broker metadata comes as, 经纪人中继资料的来源如下:

 {0: BrokerMetadata(nodeId=0, host='localhost', port=9092)}

and ideally, host value must be BROKER_HOST( hostname shell cmd confirms it) but it is localhost... 理想情况下,主机值必须为BROKER_HOST( hostname shell cmd确认),但它为localhost ...

``How does the broker metadata for a topic get into kafka system? ``主题的经纪人元数据如何进入kafka系统? And obviously, this breaks the system since my consumer tries to connect to 9092 on its localhost. 显然,这破坏了系统,因为我的使用者尝试连接到其本地主机上的9092。

This looks like your broker advertises itself incorrectly. 看来您的经纪人自己做错了广告。

There's a line in your broker's server.properties : 经纪人的server.properties有一行:

#advertised.host.name=<hostname routable by clients>

You should uncomment it and set the value routable by your consumer and restart your broker. 您应该取消注释它,并设置消费者可路由的值,然后重新启动经纪人。


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