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[英]MySQL: Get previous row

I have the following query: 我有以下查询:

SELECT c.called as customer, c.calling as company, DATE_FORMAT(c.`end`,'%Y-%m-%d') as _date,

       @G := if(@prevComp <> c.calling AND @prevCust = c.called AND @prevDay = DATE_FORMAT(c.`end`,'%Y-%m-%d'), 1, 0) as Gain,
       @prevComp := c.called as prevComp,
       @prevCust := c.calling as prevCust, 
       @prevDay := DATE_FORMAT(c.`end`,'%Y-%m-%d') as prevDate

FROM cdrdata_archive c, 
     (SELECT @prevComp := 0, @prevCust := 0, @prevDay := 0) prevVals
ORDER BY c.called, DATE_FORMAT(c.`end`,'%Y-%m-%d')

However this outputs the same row values for prevCust , prevCompany and prevDate : 但是,这将为prevCustprevCompanyprevDate输出相同的行值:

Customer      Company      Date        prevCust   prevComp   prevDate

00140443360  08434599117  2014-01-28  00140443360  08434599117  2014-01-28
00475172558  08434599218  2014-01-27  00475172558  08434599218  2014-01-27
00475172558  08434599118  2014-01-27  00475172558  08434599118  2014-01-27

The desired output should be: 所需的输出应为:

Customer      Company      Date        prevCust   prevComp   prevDate

00140443360  08834599117  2014-01-28     null          null        null 
00475172558  08834599218  2014-01-27  00140443360  08834599117  2014-01-28
00475136333  08834098771  2014-01-22  00475172558  08834599218  2014-01-27

This is tricky, because you cannot assign the variable and pull the previous value in one statement. 这很棘手,因为您不能分配变量在一个语句中提取前一个值。 So, the trick is to use another variable to hold the value. 因此,诀窍是使用另一个变量来保存值。

The following logic gets the previous day using case statements and the dreaded = NULL . 以下逻辑使用case语句和dreaded = NULL获取前一天。 I use this because I know it will never be true, so the case statement simple acts as a method of ordering the evaluation of the variables. 我之所以使用它,是因为我知道它永远不会成立,因此case语句简单地用作对变量求值进行排序的一种方法。

Your sample output doesn't have gain , so I've omitted it: 您的示例输出没有gain ,因此我省略了它:

SELECT c.called as customer, c.calling as company,
       DATE_FORMAT(c.`end`,'%Y-%m-%d') as _date,
       (case when (@t1 := @prevComp) = NULL then @prevComp      -- never happens
             when (@prevComp := c.called) = NULL then @prevComp -- never happens 
             else @t1
        end) as prevComp,
       (case when (@t2 := @prevCust) = NULL then @prevCust       -- never happens
             when (@prevCust := c.calling) = NULL then @prevCust -- never happens 
             else @t2
        end) as prevCust,
       (case when (@t3 := @prevDate) = NULL then @prevDate       -- never happens
             when (@prevCust := c.`end`) = NULL then @prevDate   -- never happens 
             else DATE_FORMAT(@t3,'%Y-%m-%d')
        end) as prevCust
FROM cdrdata_archive c CROSS JOIN
     (SELECT @prevComp := NULL, @prevCust := NULL, @prevDay := NULL) prevVals
ORDER BY c.called, DATE_FORMAT(c.`end`,'%Y-%m-%d');

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