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Apache HTTPClient标头未正确设置

[英]Apache HTTPClient Headers are not correctly set

i'm trying to request a GET via HTTPS trough a Proxy. 我试图通过HTTPS通过代理请求GET。 The Proxy answers with 400:Bad Request. 代理回答400:错误请求。 I sniffed the data with wireshark and i have seen, that the headers are not set. 我用wireshark嗅探了数据,并且看到没有设置标头。 Because of security, i replaced some Values with <> Brackets. 由于安全性,我用<> Brackets替换了一些值。 Can anybody help? 有人可以帮忙吗?

This is a part of my implementation: 这是我的实现的一部分:

String urlString = ctx.getUrl();
HttpHost target;
CloseableHttpClient httpclient;
HttpClientContext localContext;
     CredentialsProvider credsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
     int proxyport = Integer.parseInt(ctx.getProxyPort());

         new AuthScope(<MyProxyUrl>, <MyProxyPort>),
         new UsernamePasswordCredentials(<MyProxyUser>, <MyProxyPassword>));

     httpclient = HttpClients.custom().setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credsProvider).build();

     target = new HttpHost(urlString, 443, "https");
     HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost(<MyProxyUser>, <MyProxyPassword>);

     RequestConfig config = RequestConfig.custom().setProxy(proxy).build();
     request = new HttpGet("/");
     request.setURI(new URI(urlString));
     //this method sets different header
     HttpProperty.setHeaders(request, ctx);

     HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(target, request);

I have traced the headers in the request with and printed name/value with the output below: 我已经使用以下输出跟踪了请求中的标头并打印了名称/值:

     Header[] headers = request.getAllHeaders();

Header Name:Proxy-Connection 标头名称:Proxy-Connection

Header Value:close 标头值:关闭

Header Name:Proxy-Authorization 标题名称:代理授权

Header Value:Basic 标头值:基本

Header Name:User-Agent 标头名称:User-Agent

Header Value: MyDevice 标头值:MyDevice

Header Name:Accept 标题名称:接受

Header Value:text/html 标头值:text / html

At least this is the response: Content length responesCode: 0 400 至少这是响应:内容长度responesCode:0 400

From Wireshark sniffing i found, that the headers which are defintly inside the request are not set when sending CONNECT. 从Wireshark嗅探我发现,发送CONNECT时没有设置请求中明确的标头。

I attached this picture: 我附上这张照片:

Wireshark Trace

EDIT: Thank you Damian Nikodem, but i found the solution. 编辑:谢谢Damian Nikodem,但我找到了解决方案。 The first request is always sent without user headers. 第一个请求始终在没有用户标头的情况下发送。 I changed two things, and the proxy authorization works: request = new HttpGet(urlString); 我做了两件事,代理授权起作用了:request = new HttpGet(urlString); HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(request); HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(request);

I am assuming that you are attempting to communicate with a SCADA or production management system. 我假设您正在尝试与SCADA或生产管理系统进行通信。 From what I can see you are sending plain HTTP to your target server via the proxy, while trying to connect via HTTPS. 从我可以看到,您正在尝试通过HTTPS连接时,通过代理向目标服务器发送纯HTTP。

I couldn't see the response in your wireshark dump, but it most likely contains a error message that looks something like this: 我在wireshark转储中看不到响应,但它很可能包含一条看起来像这样的错误消息:

  <title>400 Bad Request</title>
    <h1>Bad Request</h1>
    <p>Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.<br />
       Reason: You're speaking plain HTTP to an SSL-enabled server port.<br />
       Instead use the HTTPS scheme to access this URL, please.<br />
       <blockquote>Hint: <a href="https://????/"><b>https://???/</b></a></blockquote>

PS You should edit your image a little bit more because it shows a LOT of information about your employer/customer.. PS你应该稍微编辑你的图像,因为它显示了很多关于你的雇主/客户的信息。

@Thorgas, I don't understand what you sad about "found the solution". @Thorgas,我不明白你对“找到解决方案”感到难过。 Do you mean that you found out how to add extra headers in the CONNECT with HttpClinet? 您的意思是您发现如何在CONNECT with HttpClinet中添加额外的标头吗? I'm also confusing about this. 我对此也感到困惑。

But i found out that using HttpsUrlconnection in android doesn't have this kind of problem. 但我发现在android中使用HttpsUrlconnection没有这种问题。 URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(proxy); URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(proxy);

HttpsURLConnection httpsUrlConnection = (HttpsURLConnection) urlConnection;

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