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[英]Casting: System.Attribute retrieved from Objecttypes

I've written (using a sneak peek on the net) my generic method to get attributes on classnames. 我已经编写(使用网上先睹为快)我的通用方法来获取类名的属性。 Here is the code. 这是代码。

The attribute: 属性:

[System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class FileType : Attribute
    public String TypeName { get; set; }

The implementation 实施

[FileType (TypeName ="wordFile")]
public class BudFile
{ ... }

My Generic Method 我的通用方法

    public T GetAttributeOfObject<T>(Type objectTypeToCheck)
        object myAttribute = (T)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(objectTypeToCheck, typeof(T));

The Usage: 用法:

BudFile A;
FileType myFileType = GetAttributeOfObject<FileType>(typeof(A));

The Problem: 问题:

I'm getting the error Cannot convert type System.Attribute to T on the following line: 我在以下行收到错误Cannot convert type System.Attribute to T ”:

        object myAttribute = (T)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(objectTypeToCheck, typeof(T));

Which makes sense since Attribute.GetCustomAttribute returns an object of System.Attribute . 这很有意义,因为Attribute.GetCustomAttribute返回System.Attribute的对象。 How can I Safely cast the retrieved System.Attribute to my attribute? 如何安全地将检索到的System.Attribute为我的属性?

You simply need a constraint for T as Attribute . 您只需要将T作为Attribute的约束即可。 You get the compiler error because T could be anything which can't be casted to an Attribute type. 您会收到编译器错误,因为T可能是任何不能转换为Attribute类型的值。

public T GetAttributeOfObject<T>(Type objectTypeToCheck) where T: Attribute
    return (T)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(objectTypeToCheck, typeof(T));

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