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为什么boost :: python迭代器会跳过第一个元素?

[英]why boost::python iterator skips first element?

I have encountered a strange problem when I have attempted to implement iterable object for Python in C++ (using boost::python). 当我试图在C ++中使用Python实现Python的可迭代对象时(使用boost :: python),我遇到了一个奇怪的问题。 Python seems to always dereference one element ahead, so, in result it skips first element and also dereferences "end" element. Python似乎总是取消引用前面的一个元素,因此,在结果中它跳过第一个元素并且还取消引用“end”元素。 I am also not confident if my return value policy is selected properly, but it is the only one that seems to work correctly if I replace int with std::string as an element type. 我也不确定我的返回值策略是否正确选择,但如果我用std :: string替换int作为元素类型,它是唯一似乎正常工作的策略。 The iterator tag has been chosen purposely - I intend to implement iterable object to access resource that can be traversed only once. 故意选择了迭代器标记 - 我打算实现可迭代对象来访问只能遍历一次的资源。

C++ code: C ++代码:

#include <Python.h>
#include <boost/python.hpp>

#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>

int nextInstance{0};

class Foo
    class iterator : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, int>
        iterator() = delete;
        iterator& operator=(const iterator&) = delete;

        iterator(const iterator& other)
            std::cout << instance_ << " copy ctor " << other.instance_ << " (" << pos_ << ")\n";

        explicit iterator(int pos)
            std::cout << instance_ << " ctor (" << pos_ << ")\n";

        bool operator==(iterator& other)
            std::cout << instance_ << " operator== " << other.instance_ << " (" << pos_ << ", " << other.pos_ << ")\n";

            return pos_ == other.pos_;

        int& operator*()
            std::cout << instance_ << " operator* (" << pos_ << ")\n";

            return pos_;

        iterator operator++(int)

            std::cout << instance_ << " operator++ (" << pos_ << ")\n";

            return *this;

            std::cout << instance_ << " dtor\n";

        const int instance_;
        int       pos_{0};


    iterator begin()
        std::cout << "begin()\n";

        return iterator(0);

    iterator end()
        std::cout << "end()\n";

        return iterator(3);

    boost::python::class_<Foo, boost::noncopyable>("Foo", boost::python::init<>())
        .def("__iter__", boost::python::iterator<Foo, boost::python::return_value_policy<boost::python::copy_non_const_reference>>{});

Python code: Python代码:


import pythonIterator

foo = pythonIterator.Foo()

for i in foo:
    print i

Output: 输出:

0 ctor (3)
1 ctor (0)
2 copy ctor 1 (0)
3 copy ctor 0 (3)
1 dtor
0 dtor
4 copy ctor 2 (0)
5 copy ctor 3 (3)
3 dtor
2 dtor
4 operator== 5 (0, 3)
4 operator++ (1)
6 copy ctor 4 (1)
6 operator* (1)
6 dtor
4 operator== 5 (1, 3)
4 operator++ (2)
7 copy ctor 4 (2)
7 operator* (2)
7 dtor
4 operator== 5 (2, 3)
4 operator++ (3)
8 copy ctor 4 (3)
8 operator* (3)
8 dtor
4 operator== 5 (3, 3)
5 dtor
4 dtor

You have a bug in your post-increment operator. 您的增量后运算符中存在错误。 Specifically, what you implemented is pre -increment, not post -increment: 具体而言,您执行的是预先 -Increment,不得发布 -Increment:

iterator operator++(int)
    return *this;  // return value *after* having incremented it

The correct implementation would be: 正确的实施将是:

iterator operator++(int)
    iterator tmp(*this);
    return tmp; // return saved tmp *before* having incremented it

After that fix: 在修复之后:

>>> list(pythonIterator.Foo())
... snip lots of output ...
[0, 1, 2]

Oh wow. 哇哇 Thanks for finally showing me the first self-contained Boost Python example. 感谢最终向我展示了第一个自包含的Boost Python示例。

So, let me repay you the service by suggesting to use Boost Iterator to handle the iterator complexity for you: 所以,让我通过建议使用Boost Iterator为您处理迭代器复杂性来回报您的服务:

Live On Coliru 住在Coliru

#include <Python.h>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>

class Foo
    struct iterator : boost::iterator_facade<iterator, int, boost::single_pass_traversal_tag, int>
        iterator(int i) : current_(i) {}

        bool equal(iterator const& other) const { return current_ == other.current_; }
        int dereference() const { return current_; }
        void increment() { ++current_; }
        int current_;

    iterator begin() { return 0; }
    iterator end()   { return 3; }

    boost::python::class_<Foo, boost::noncopyable>("Foo", boost::python::init<>())
        .def("__iter__", boost::python::iterator<Foo, boost::python::return_value_policy<boost::python::return_by_value>>{});

Prints: 打印:

$ ./test.py 

Of course, the choice to make the iterator return copies was inspired by the absense of a source range. 当然,使迭代器返回副本的选择受到源范围缺失的启发。 (Obviously iterator_facade is fully geared towards lvalue-refs if you need them) (显然iterator_facade完全适用于lvalue-refs,如果你需要的话)

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