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[英]AngularJS watch on Html Table

I am new to AngularJS and stuck in one issue. 我是AngularJS的新手并且陷入了一个问题。

I have a requirement of fixed Table Header but a scrollable Body. 我有一个固定表头的要求,但可滚动的Body。 I tried using simple css approach but alignment with header was a problem I am running on. 我尝试使用简单的CSS方法,但与标题的对齐是我正在运行的问题。

So I came across Angular Directive, Scrollable Table Directive 所以我遇到了Angular Directive, Scrollable Table Directive

Directive 指示

validationApp.directive('fixedHeader', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope: {
            tableHeight: '@'
        link: function ($scope, $elem, $attrs, $ctrl) {
            // wait for content to load into table and the tbody to be visible
            $scope.$watch(function () { return $elem.find("tbody").is(':visible'); },
                function (newValue, oldValue) {
                    alert("visible directive");
                    if (newValue === true) {
                        // reset display styles so column widths are correct when measured below
                        $elem.find('thead, tbody, tfoot').css('display', '');

                        // wrap in $timeout to give table a chance to finish rendering
                        $timeout(function () {

                            // set widths of columns
                            $elem.find('th').each(function (i, thElem) {
                                thElem = $(thElem);
                                var tdElems = $elem.find('tbody tr:first td:nth-child(' + (i + 1) + ')');
                                var tfElems = $elem.find('tfoot tr:first td:nth-child(' + (i + 1) + ')');

                                var columnWidth = tdElems.width();

                            // set css styles on thead and tbody
                            $elem.find('thead, tfoot').css({
                                'display': 'block',

                                'display': 'block',
                               /* 'height': $scope.tableHeight || '200px',*/
                                'overflow': 'auto'

                            // reduce width of last column by width of scrollbar
                            var scrollBarWidth = $elem.find('thead').width() - $elem.find('tbody')[0].clientWidth;
                            if (scrollBarWidth > 0) {
                                // for some reason trimming the width by 2px lines everything up better
                                scrollBarWidth -= 2;
                                $elem.find('tbody tr:first td:last-child').each(function (i, elem) {
                                    $(elem).width($(elem).width() - scrollBarWidth);


<table id="tableDataOfUsers" width="100%" class="table table-bordered table-hover table-condensed" ng-show="users.length" fixed-header style="border: 1">
        <thead id="tableHeaderOfUsers">
            <tr style="font-weight: bold">
                <th style="width: 30%;"><label ><b>{{ 'load.static.usersetup.NAME_COLUMN_USER_TABLE' | translate }}</b></label></th>
                <th style="width: 30%;"><label ><b>{{ 'load.static.usersetup.EXTENSION_COLUMN_USER_TABLE' | translate }}</b></label></th>
                <th style="width: 30%;"><label><b>{{ 'load.static.usersetup.PROFILENAME' | translate }}</b></label></th>
                <th style="width: 10%;" ng-show="!usrreadonly"><label><b><span ng-show="form.userSetupForm.$visible"></span></b></label></th>
        <tbody id="tableBodyOfUsers">
            <tr ng-repeat="user in users | filter:filterUser" style="height: 35px;">
                <td title="{{ 'load.static.usersetup.USR_AG_TITLE' | translate }}" style="width: 30%;">
                  <!-- editable username (text with validation) -->
                  <span editable-text="user.name" e-form="form.userSetupForm" e-required onbeforesave="checkDuplicateUsers($data, user.id)" ng-readonly="usrreadonly">
                    {{ user.name || '' }}

                <td title="{{ 'load.static.usersetup.USR_AGEXTN_TITLE' | translate }}" style="width: 30%;">
                  <!-- editable username (text with validation) -->
                  <span editable-textnumeric="user.extn" e-minlength="1" e-maxlength="4" e-form="form.userSetupForm" onbeforesave="checkDuplicateExtension($data, user.id)" e-required ng-readonly="usrreadonly">
                    {{ user.extn || '' }}

                <td title="{{ 'load.static.usersetup.USR_AG_PRO_TITLE' | translate }}" style="width: 30%;">
                  <!-- editable group (select-remote) -->
                   <span editable-select="user.profileid" e-form="form.userSetupForm" onshow="loadProfiles()"  onbeforesave="checkProfile($data, user.profileid)" e-ng-options="g.id as g.name for g in profiles" ng-readonly="usrreadonly">
                    {{ showProfiles(user) }}

                <td title="{{ 'load.static.table.TAB_DEL' | translate }}" ng-show="!usrreadonly" style="width: 10%;">
                    <button type="button" ng-show="form.userSetupForm.$visible" ng-click="deleteUser($index)" class="deletebutton" ng-disabled="usrreadonly"></button>

Initially my table displays like this 最初我的表格显示如下 最初表格显示如下

Now when I click on delete button on any row except first, it deletes correctly without alignment issues, but when I delete first row it then start giving alignment issues and displays like 现在,当我点击除第一行之外的任何行上的删除按钮时,它会正确删除而没有对齐问题,但是当我删除第一行时它会开始给出对齐问题并显示像


I knew the issue is with my watch in directive function () { return $elem.find("tbody").is(':visible'); } 我知道问题出在我的手表中的指令function () { return $elem.find("tbody").is(':visible'); } function () { return $elem.find("tbody").is(':visible'); } it watches only when table initially get visible, so it run only once. function () { return $elem.find("tbody").is(':visible'); }这手表只有当表最初获得可见的,所以只运行一次。

that is why only first row of my table is getting proper width in "px", other rows get the width in "%" ie set on table. 这就是为什么我的表的第一行在“px”中获得适当的宽度,其他行以“%”获得宽度,即在表上设置。

How can I make this table watch every time when I add any row or delete any row. 每次添加任何行或删除任何行时,如何制作此表。 Or how can I make this directive to assign all the rows width in "px". 或者我如何使该指令在“px”中分配所有行宽度。

What you can do is keep another scope variable that holds the number of rows for instance, and pass that to the directive. 你可以做的是保留另一个包含例如行数的范围变量,并将其传递给指令。 Watch that, and it will change accordingly. 观察它,它会相应地改变。

Add to HTML: 添加到HTML:

<table fixed-header rows="numberOfRows">...</table>

Controller function that adds a new user: 添加新用户的控制器功能:

$scope.addNewUser = function () {
        $scope.data.push({name: $scope.newName, age: $scope.newAge });

Change to directive: 改为指令:

scope: {
            tableHeight: '@',
            rows: "="

And the watch: 而手表:

$scope.$watch(function () { return $scope.rows },

See this Fiddle as a demonstration. 看这个小提琴作为演示。

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