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[英]Unit test for void method

I need to write unit test for some static void methods with an unknown/unpredictable side effect. 我需要为一些具有未知/不可预测副作用的静态 void方法编写单元测试。 For example 例如

public void doSth() {
    try {
        HttpPostUtil.sendRequest("abc", "xyz");
    } catch(Exception ex) {

HttpPostUtil is in another jar file. HttpPostUtil在另一个jar文件中。 It is out of my control and it will post the data to some web services . 这是我无法控制的,它将把数据发布到某些Web服务。 What is the testing methodology that we could do in this situation? 在这种情况下,我们可以做的测试方法是什么? ( PowerMockito is not allowed here :() (此处不允许使用PowerMockito :()

Because it is void method the only thing you can test is behaviour. 因为它是无效方法,所以您唯一可以测试的就是行为。 In such situation you have few options 在这种情况下,您别无选择

  1. Wrap calls to HttpPostUtil with an object in order to not have it as a static and mock it in tests (by mockito or by injection of your implementation into your object). 使用对象包装对HttpPostUtil的调用,以使其不为静态对象,并在测试中对其进行模拟(通过模拟或将实现注入到对象中)。 This is called sprout class. 这称为新芽类。
  2. Wrap call to HttpPostUtil into the method and override it in test suite to something else. 将对HttpPostUtil的调用包装到方法中,并在测试套件中将其重写为其他方法。

Generally speaking - if it is hard to test -> it is hard to use -> implementation is bad -> so it needs refactoring, not tuning the tests. 一般来说-如果很难测试->很难使用->实现不好->因此需要重构,而不是调整测试。

While testing a method, you should always just test that method and mock the other calls to other methods. 在测试方法时,您应该始终仅测试该方法并模拟对其他方法的其他调用。 Because the other methods should have been tested in their own test methods. 因为其他方法应该已经在自己的测试方法中进行了测试。

Here you simply need 2 tests if you also want to test the catch case. 在这里,如果您还想测试捕获盒,则只需进行2次测试。 With Mockito: 使用Mockito:

private YourClass yourClass;

private HttpPostUtil httpPostUtil;

public void testDoSthPositive() {
    // Run Test

    // Control
    verify(httpPostUtil).sendRequest("abc", "xyz");
    verifyNoMoreInteractions(httpPostUtil);  // Optional

public void testDoSthNegative() {
    // Preparation
    NullPointerException exceptionMock = mock(NullPointerException.class);
    doThrow(exceptionMock).when(httpPostUtil).sendRequest("abc", "xyz");

    // Run Test

    // Control
    verifyNoMoreInteractions(exceptionMock, httpPostUtil);  // Optional

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