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[英]Equivalent of this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(“.”).toURI() from within a Jar

I'm trying to achieve a way to obtain the base path of the current classloader when runnning from within a jar. 我正在尝试找到一种从jar中运行时获取当前类加载器的基本路径的方法。

I mean programatically, I already know it should have the shape of "jarPath+jarFile.jar!/" 我的意思是以编程方式,我已经知道它的形状应为“ jarPath + jarFile.jar!/”

Unlike file system's call, getResource(".") or .getResource("/") do not work from inside the jar. 与文件系统的调用不同,getResource(“。”)或.getResource(“ /”)在jar内无法正常工作。

Ideally it should be an abstract solution for any file provider, so something like: 理想情况下,它应该是任何文件提供程序的抽象解决方案,例如:

Path BASE_PATH = Paths.get(...getResource("").toURI())

which could return the correct root path for both jars and file system so I can use relative urls to my resources without having to do any conditional statements and url manual string parsing/build. 可以为jar和文件系统返回正确的根路径,因此我可以对资源使用相对的url,而不必执行任何条件语句和url手动字符串解析/构建。

You should be able to find out the path of the jar and or target folder containing you class or any resource by using this code: 通过使用以下代码,您应该能够找到包含您的类或任何资源的jar和/或目标文件夹的路径:

package com.stackoverflow.test;

import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

public class ClassPathUtils {

  public static String getBasePath(String jarPath) {
    String path = getJarPathFromClass(jarPath);
    if (path == null) {
      return null;

    if (path.startsWith("jar:")) {
      path = path.substring("jar:".length());
    if (path.startsWith("file:")) {
      path = path.substring("file:".length());
    if (path.endsWith(jarPath)) {
      path = path.substring(0, path.length()-jarPath.length());

    return path;
  public static String getBasePath(Class clazz) {
    return getBasePath(classNameDotClass(clazz));
  private static String classNameDotClass(Class clazz) {
    return clazz.getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ".class";
  private static String getJarPathFromClass(String resource) {
    final URL url = ClassPathUtils.class.getClassLoader().getResource(resource);
    return url == null ? null : url.toString();
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //System.out.println(Paths.get(ClassPathUtils.getBasePath("."))); // doesn't work in a jar

    System.out.println(Paths.get(ClassPathUtils.getBasePath("fonts/atcitadelscript.ttf"))); // any classpath resource

    System.out.println(Paths.get(ClassPathUtils.getBasePath(String.class))); // actually finds rt.jar


If you run this code from your IDE, or from maven, it will give you the paths to target/classes for your own resources , or the path to a jar for other resources (Eg String.class). 如果从IDE或maven运行此代码,它将为您提供自己资源的目标/类的路径,或其他资源的jar的路径(例如String.class)。 If you call it from a jar, it will always tell you the path of the jar file. 如果从jar调用它,它将始终告诉您jar文件的路径。

run from IDE: 从IDE运行:


run from JAR: 从JAR运行:


Is that what you're looking for? 那是您要找的东西吗?


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