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[英]common license for intelliJ and WebStorm

is that possible to have a common license for both intelliJ and WebStorm IDEs? 可以同时拥有智能和WebStorm IDE的通用许可证吗? I know these are separate products, but I couldn't finy any information whether the license can be combined or not. 我知道这些是单独的产品,但是我无法确定许可证是否可以合并的任何信息。 My company do have intelliJ already, but we need WebStorm. 我的公司已经有了智能,但是我们需要WebStorm。


Educational license is using all JetBrains product. 教育许可证正在使用所有JetBrains产品。 If you use License Server, maybe same license for IntelliJ IDEA and WebStorm. 如果使用许可证服务器,则IntelliJ IDEA和WebStorm可能使用相同的许可证。 But if your company had single product licese, not intergration other license. 但是,如果您的公司拥有单一产品许可证,则不能与其他许可证集成在一起。

For fast processing your question, send a mail to JetBrains sales part. 为了快速处理您的问题,请发送邮件到JetBrains销售部门。 sales@jetbrains.com sales@jetbrains.com

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