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[英]Polymer two-way binding between custom elements [example included]

I'm trying to make custom element within a custom element and have the inner custom element able to change its value from within and the outer able sync its binding on that change. 我正在尝试在自定义元素中制作自定义元素,并让内部自定义元素能够从内部更改其值,而让外部自定义元素能够在更改时同步其绑定。 What can I do to get this working? 我该怎么做才能使它正常工作?

I've thoroughly scoured the documentation, but it's very lackluster in this department. 我已经对文档进行了彻底的搜索,但是在这个部门中它非常乏善可陈。 I believe Node.bind() may be something of interest, but not sure how it would apply in this case. 我相信Node.bind()可能引起人们的兴趣,但不确定在这种情况下如何应用。

Here's a simplified test case and plunker demo: 这是一个简化的测试用例和插件演示:

  <polymer-element name='test-app'>

           <test-input id='one' value='{{value}}'></test-input>


           <test-input id='two' value='{{value}}'></test-input>


               value: 5

   <polymer-element name='test-input'>


               #val {
                   font-size: 50px;

           <div id='val'>{{value}}</div>

           <button on-tap='{{increment}}'>+</button>
           <button on-tap='{{decrement}}'>-</button>



               publish: {
                   value: 4
               increment: function() {
                   this.value = this.value + 1;
               decrement: function() {
                   this.value = this.value - 1;


http://plnkr.co/edit/KjQ9DusaFg2jp1BTFUde?p=preview http://plnkr.co/edit/KjQ9DusaFg2jp1BTFUde?p=preview

If this was working, the value property of the test-app parent element should be in sync with both of the test-input s value property. 如果可行,则test-app父元素的value属性应该与test-inputvalue属性都同步。

Notice this warning in the console: 在控制台中注意以下警告:

Attributes on test-input were data bound prior to Polymer upgrading the element. 测试输入的属性是在Polymer升级元素之前绑定数据的。 This may result in incorrect binding types. 这可能会导致错误的绑定类型。

test-app uses test-input before Polymer knows about test-input . 在Polymer知道test-input之前, test-app使用test-input All of an element's dependencies must be declared before that element is declared. 必须在声明该元素之前声明所有元素的依赖项。 Move test-input above test-app and it works as expected. test-input移至test-input test-app上方,即可正常工作。

http://plnkr.co/edit/ZaIj60S3lAHT18k5T3sn?p=preview http://plnkr.co/edit/ZaIj60S3lAHT18k5T3sn?p=preview

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