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[英]nested loop and multiple if statement R

I have a dataset a which is as follows 我有一个数据集a ,如下所示

       Dictionary      ActMin   ActMax
             3145      5        10
             32441     10       19
             3245      25       32
             416356    37       46
             4H22      82       130
             %ABC      1        27

I have another dataset b which is as follows 我有另一个数据集b ,如下所示

             ID        Test         Obs     Year
             1         3145-MN      11      1994  
             2         3145-NY      17      1992
             1         416356-FL    57      1995
             1         32441-MN     13      1995
             2         3145-MN      8       1993
             2         3245-NY      27      1983
             3         3245-FL      45      2003
             2         3145-MN      6       2001
             3         %ABC-NY      33      1996
             4         4H22-TX      97      1984

What I trying to do is produce an output like this 我想做的是产生这样的output

            Id         Test         Obs     Results   Year   Description 
            1          3145-MN      11      High      1994   Tested 3145 High on 1994, 4163 High on 1995,    
            2          3145-NY      17      High      1992   Tested 3145 High on 1992
            1          416356-FL    57      High      1995
            1          32441-MN     13      Normal    1995
            2          3145-MN      8       Normal    1993
            2          3245-NY      27      Normal    1983
            3          3245-FL      45      High      2003   Tested 3245 High on 2003
            2          3145-MN      6       Normal    2001
            3          %ABC-NY      33      High      1996
            4          4H22-TX      27      Normal    1984

The first dataset a is a dictionary that stores unique test number 3145 , 3244 etc and their Minimum and Maximum values 该第一数据集a是存储唯一的测试号的字典31453244等以及它们的MinimumMaximum的值

The second dataset b is the actual test results dataset that stores the results of what was actually observed. 第二个数据集b是实际测试结果数据集,用于存储实际观察到的结果。 The observed value for a specific test in b is compared to the minimum and maximum values in dataset a . b特定测试的观察值与数据集a的最小值和最大值进行a If the observed value in b is greater than the actual min and max in a then results column should be updated as high , else Normal . 如果所观察到的值b大于在实际的最小值和最大值大于a随后导致柱应该被更新为high ,否则Normal The description column should provide a summary of tests which were listed high for each ID ( 1 summary for each ID). description列应提供每个ID列出的测试摘要(每个ID的1个摘要)。

Need help with this complex loop and if statements and result aggregation. 需要有关此复杂循环以及if语句和结果聚合的帮助。

A little convoluted, but the result should be similar to what you asked. 有点复杂,但结果应该与你问的相似。 I managed to get the result column in base R, but for Description I had to use data.table . 我设法在基础R中获取result列,但是对于Description我必须使用data.table

 b$result<-c("Normal","High")[(b$Obs > a$ActMax[match(substr(b$Test,1,4),as.character(a$Dictionary))])+1]
 b[,Description:=gsub("(, )+$","",c(paste(ifelse(result=="High",paste("Tested",substring(Test,1,4),result,"on",Year),""),collapse=", "),rep("",.N-1))),by=ID]

By using dplyr one may find the code more readable: 通过使用dplyr,可以发现代码更具可读性:

df_result <-
  b %>%
  ## EDIT mutate( Dictionary = as.numeric(substring(Test,1,4)) ) %>%  
  mutate( Dictionary = as.numeric( gsub("[A-Z,-]+", "", Test )) ) %>%  
  inner_join(a, by = "Dictionary") %>%
  mutate( Results = ifelse( Obs > pmax(ActMin, ActMax), yes = "High", no = "Normal" )) 

df_description <-
  df_result %>%
  filter( Results == "High") %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
    Results = Results[1],
    Dictionary = min(Dictionary),
    Description = paste("Tested", Dictionary, "on", Year,collapse = ","))

df_final <- 
  df_result %>%
  left_join( df_description, by = c("ID","Dictionary", "Results")) %>%
  select(ID, Test, Obs, Results, Year, Description)

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