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[英]Should a header file include other header files, or leave it to the implementation?

So I can get everything to compile, and I understand (I think) how include guards prevent the same definitions from being pulled twice, but what I don't know is if my header file should also include the header file for the class it uses, if my class file already includes it.所以我可以编译所有内容,并且我理解(我认为)包含守卫如何防止相同的定义被拉两次,但我不知道我的头文件是否还应该包含它使用的类的头文件,如果我的类文件已经包含它。


// Child.hpp
#ifndef CHILD_H
#define CHILD_H

class Child {



// Child.cpp
#include "Child.hpp"

Child::Child() {
    // example


Should I also include Child.hpp here even though it's already included in Parent.cpp?即使 Child.hpp 已经包含在 Parent.cpp 中,我也应该在这里包含它吗? I understand the header guard would prevent Child being defined twice, but is it considered best practice?我知道标题守卫会阻止 Child 被定义两次,但它被认为是最佳实践吗? Or should I exclusively include Child.hpp here?或者我应该在这里只包含 Child.hpp 吗?

// Parent.hpp
#ifndef PARENT_H
#define PARENT_H

class Parent {
        Parent(Child child);



// Parent.cpp
#include "Child.hpp"
#include "Parent.hpp"

int main() {
    Parent parent;
    return 0;

Parent::Parent() {
    // example

Parent::Parent(Child child) {
    // example

We were just given one example in class, and it essentially said that in Parent.cpp it should include Parent.hpp (makes sense) and Child.hpp .我们在课堂上只举了一个例子,它本质上是说在Parent.cpp它应该包括Parent.hpp (有意义)和Child.hpp

It would seem I would want to include Child.hpp in Parent.hpp as the Parent class relies on the Child class, but either way Child.hpp gets included.这似乎我想包括Child.hppParent.hpp作为Parent类依赖于Child类,但无论哪种方式Child.hpp被包括在内。

If Parent has any instances of Child , yes you must include the header to Child.hpp .如果Parent有任何Child实例,是的,您必须将标题包含到Child.hpp

class Parent {
        Parent(Child child);     // Need full include, complete type used
        Child c;                 // Need full include, complete type used

If Parent only had pointers or references to Child you could get away with simply forward-declaring Child , then doing the include in Parent.cpp .如果Parent只有对Child指针引用,您可以简单地向前声明Child ,然后在Parent.cpp进行包含。

class Child;                     // Forward declaration
class Parent {
        Parent(Child* child);    
        Child* pc;               // Incomplete type ok if pointer or reference

In general, you should avoid including headers inside other headers unless absolutely necessary.通常,除非绝对必要,否则您应该避免在其他标头中包含标头。 At best, it increases build times unnecessarily.充其量,它会不必要地增加构建时间。 At worst, it can lead to circular dependencies.在最坏的情况下,它会导致循环依赖。

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