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运行--eval mongodb命令时出错

[英]Error running --eval mongodb command

I tried to run javascript (js) file to get shard's config server information, it runs fine in mongo shell but as result is too large to analyse on command prompt, i tried to save the output in a file using below mentioned command 我试图运行javascript(js)文件以获取碎片的配置服务器信息,它在mongo shell中运行良好,但是由于结果太大,无法在命令提示符下进行分析,因此我尝试使用以下提到的命令将输出保存到文件中

F:\git\bits-n-pieces\scripts> mongo --shell wts.js aggutil.js \
--eval "printjson(wts('config192'))" > out.log 
  MongoDB shell version: 2.6.4 connecting to: test 
  type "help" for help 
  ReferenceError: wts is not defined

As i am trying to load as well run js function concurrently, it is not running, Could anyone provide a approach to run the function of js and save the output to file. 当我试图同时加载以及运行js函数时,它没有运行,任何人都可以提供一种方法来运行js函数并将输出保存到文件中。

You don't want --shell with the redirection > as this will redirect the shell to stdout and the program will appear to hang. 您不希望--shell使用redirection >因为这会将Shell重定向到stdout,并且程序似乎挂起。

mongo test.js test1.js --eval "var t = 900" > out.txt

Plus, it looks like something is wrong with your javascript files since it's complaining that wts isn't defined. 另外,您的JavaScript文件似乎有问题,因为它抱怨wts Did you paste in exactly what you see when you run that command? 您是否完全粘贴了运行该命令时看到的内容? If I use a command like yours 如果我使用像你这样的命令

mongo --shell test.js test1.js --eval "var t = 900" > out.txt

I get no output at all because of the stdout redirect. 由于stdout重定向,我根本没有任何输出。 If I take out the > , I get 如果我取出> ,我得到

MongoDB shell version: 2.6.6
connecting to: test
type "help" for help
loading file: test.js
loading file: test1.js

What version of the shell are you running? 您正在运行什么版本的Shell?

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