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Perl脚本以使用XML :: Simple解析XML

[英]Perl script to parse XML using XML::Simple

I am trying to parse the following XML. 我正在尝试解析以下XML。 The problem is I get nothing in the output: 问题是我在输出中什么也没得到:

XML file: XML档案:


Script: 脚本:

use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
my $access = XMLin('C:\Users\s.baccar\Desktop\access.log');
print $access->{response}->{response-name};

As Sobrique points out, XML::Simple isn't that simple. 正如Sobrique所指出的,XML :: Simple并不是那么简单。 In this case, it removes the root element ( <response> ), which is why your print statement fails. 在这种情况下,它将删除根元素( <response> ),这就是您的打印语句失败的原因。 You can either change your print: 您可以更改打印:

print $access->{response-name};

...or tell XML::Simple to keep the root element: ...或告诉XML :: Simple保留根元素:

my $access = XMLin('C:/Users/s.baccar/Desktop/access.log', KeepRoot => 1);

...or best of all, use a different module. ...或者最重要的是,请使用其他模块。

XML::Simple - isn't. XML::Simple不是。 It's for simple XML. 它用于简单的XML。

In it's documentation it says: 在文档中说:

The use of this module in new code is discouraged. 不建议在新代码中使用此模块。 Other modules are available which provide more straightforward and consistent interfaces. 提供了其他模块,这些模块提供了更加直接和一致的界面。

Instead, I like XML::Twig (other options exist): 相反,我喜欢XML::Twig (存在其他选项):


use strict;
use warnings;

use XML::Twig; 

my $xml = q{<response>

my $twig_parser = XML::Twig -> new -> parse ( $xml );
#in XML::Twig - root is the 'top' node, e.g. <response> in this case. 
print $twig_parser -> root -> first_child_text('response-name');

This also works if you give it a filename: 如果给它一个文件名,这也可以:

my $twig_parser = XML::Twig -> new -> parsefile ( 'C:\Users\myuser\Documents\test.xml' );
print $twig_parser -> root -> first_child_text('response-name');

In addition to what other people have said, please use strict; 除了别人说的以外,请use strict; ( and use warnings; ) (并use warnings;

If I add those to your script, I get: 如果将这些添加到您的脚本中,则会得到:

Bareword "response" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at x.pl line 8.
Bareword "name" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at x.pl line 8.

( Note that line 8 is print $access->{response}->{response-name}; ) (请注意,第8行是print $access->{response}->{response-name};

That line is effectively being turned into print $access->{response}->{0}; 该行实际上已变为print $access->{response}->{0};

You need to use 'response-name' . 您需要使用'response-name'

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