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[英]print txt file direct to printer aspx.net

i'm using following method to create txt file, and now I don't know how to send this file direct to printer.I want when user click on button_click event, txt file to be printed without print preview...etc.application is web deployed 我正在使用以下方法创建txt文件,但现在我不知道如何直接将此文件发送到打印机。我希望当用户单击button_click事件时,无需打印预览即可打印txt文件...等是网络部署的

 public void Print()

    string path = @"c:\Restaurant\kitchen.txt";

    if (!File.Exists(path))
        using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path))

                if (Label53.Text == "4")
                  String s = Label47.Text;

                   s = String.Format(s.Replace("S", "С").Replace("U", "У").Replace("P", "П").Replace("A", "А"));



Yes it is possible... 对的,这是可能的...

First you to add Reference System.Drawing to the project.After that you need to use: 首先您将Reference System.Drawing添加到项目中,之后您需要使用:

using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Printing;

I will show it for console application, you can convert it to asp.net easily. 我将为控制台应用程序显示它,您可以轻松将其转换为asp.net。

    private static extern IntPtr GetStockObject(int fnObject);

    private static string stringToPrint;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        PrintDocument doc = new PrintDocument();
        doc.PrintPage += doc_PrintPage;

    private static void ReadFile(PrintDocument printDocument1)
        string docName = "Test.txt";
        string docPath = @"c:\";
        printDocument1.DocumentName = docName;
        using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(docPath + docName, FileMode.Open))
        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
            stringToPrint = reader.ReadToEnd();

    static void doc_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
        int charactersOnPage = 0;
        int linesPerPage = 0;

        // Sets the value of charactersOnPage to the number of characters  
        // of stringToPrint that will fit within the bounds of the page.
        e.Graphics.MeasureString(stringToPrint, Font.FromHfont(GetStockObject(0)),
            e.MarginBounds.Size, StringFormat.GenericTypographic,
            out charactersOnPage, out linesPerPage);

        // Draws the string within the bounds of the page
        e.Graphics.DrawString(stringToPrint, Font.FromHfont(GetStockObject(0)), Brushes.Black,
            e.MarginBounds, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);

        // Remove the portion of the string that has been printed.
        stringToPrint = stringToPrint.Substring(charactersOnPage);

        // Check to see if more pages are to be printed.
        e.HasMorePages = (stringToPrint.Length > 0);

This was the code. 这是代码。 I'm using GetStockObject just to create Font you can use another custom Font, if you want. 我使用GetStockObject只是为了创建Font,可以根据需要使用另一个自定义Font。

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